Google's lobbyists go big on climate change denial, raise money for Inhofe & Competitive Enterprise Insitute

NikFromNYCeeeee said: …guys like Cowicide can only issue death
threats to try to intimidate skeptics.

Ha, I didn’t catch that part. Yes, Nik is right. I’m going to kill him to death with a phaser. I’m just waiting on a Star Trek phaser to be invented from a science fiction show any day now. I pre-ordered one for a mere 12.5 million dollars from

I guess this kind of lack of critical thinking and delusional, false-persecution complex is what it takes to come up with Nik’s climate denial fantasies. Well, that and an unhealthy dose of reading libertarian “think tank” drivel after getting loaded on whiskey shots with Ayn Rand’s ghost who partakes in sips of champagne for the hallucinated occasion.