Little Brother inspired Google to encrypt its users' traffic

I implied increasingly about…

any BB is a blog Cory contributes to as an editor, if I wanted to be informed about his work, I’d head over to his personal site.

Here are the posts by Cory:

I looked at the past 100 posts (ignoring the “This Day in Blogging History” posts) and maybe 10 of them have to do with his work or him being a writer. I do not understand how you came to your conclusion that Cory is using BB as a PR machine.

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True but what good is it if the NSA has the keys and can go through at their leasure anyway?

I want to believe Google’s trying, but still. huge back door we know about that doens’t give a damned what encryption exists.


No buts, that’s pretty f-ing awesome.

Read the part about how encrypting traffic makes already encrypted traffic not stand out (as much). Now go read it again. Then get back to us.

85%! 25%! Statistics+Exclamation-mark!

Meanwhile you seem to have difficulty being 1% not-a-pointless-complainer.

Agreed. We must stop using the internet now. It must be destroyed in a cleansing fire, and rebuilt anew.

I believe the phrase goes ‘don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.’

I believe the phrase goes ‘once bitten, twice shy.’

I believe the phrase for this entire conversation from top to bottom goes, “LOLWUT?”

Amazing the things which can end up being part of the Cory Ego Inflation System

I just read Homeland, and as I told a friend just after, “I’m reading Doctorow again, so I’m paranoid again.”

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