NFL rich guy says "Redskins" ok, Cherokee can't hold their whiskey

That. So much that.

I am not offended by the logos. How could I be?

I am deeply offended at times by the utter arrogance and insensitivity shown in public -anonymously- around the issue by those defending their right to treat others feelings as irrelevant to nonexistant to faked… because of their own feelings which do matter and exist and are real.

At the end of the day, people who feel they have no equal will degrade others one way or another. These logos are one of those ways. How could I know what they think? I don’t, I merely remember a time when the sun shined out of my own asshole. I think i was 15? I got over it. Anyone can if they choose.

Even functioning autistics can arrive at a practical intellectual understanding of these things. If they want to.