On classism and solidarity in oppression

Yeah, this is exactly the indifference I’m talking about. Right now these things are not choices for everyone. Save only in the most meaningless sense where consequences are ignored; how for instance people “chose” to be slaves, because they always had the option of being executed instead.

If you wanted to talk about us many people for who these are real choices, and what we should be doing, I would be all for it. But instead you’re really making a point of dismissing the many people who don’t have that privilege - and now, also, the many people for whom the last hundreds of thousands of years haven’t worked - and I know enough about the kind of callousness not to expect it to lead to anything worthwhile.

Not in the slightest. I have a lot more sympathy for anarchist ideals, things like Holz’s coopernation, and so on than you’re assuming. I just think anything of the sort is rendered a pointless non-starter when someone sets out with nonsense and indifference, like how poverty can’t be an issue because parents with sick or starving children could all go forage in the woods or find someplace they could farm or whatever.