Red Pill, Blue Pill: if Dr Seuss wrote about Men's Rights Advocates

How do you arrive at plasma without going through a liquid to gas phase change first?

Well, you do, but it can happen so fast it isn’t measurable.


It sounds like you lack patience to clarify what you mean. I am sorry that discussing things with me frustrates you. You often hint at interesting perspectives. But then snap when I try to understand them.

My reasoning is that something which is less deep is closer to the surface, the meaning of superficial.

If you disagree, then this suggests that you might consider friendship and romantic love quite dissimilar. That neither are a progression from the other. If so, that’s fine - but I don’t understand it - and I think you weren’t being very clear about your views.

The irony meter is so broken now, I hope you’re happy!


It must be one of those cheap millennial irony meters. They’re always broke.

Just for that, I am finished with the Gregorian calendar and its western colonialist implications.

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Romantic love =/= platonic love.

Hard to be friends with someone who wants to be in a romantic relationship with you if you don’t want one with them.

I’m failing to see what any of that has to do with betrayal. Romantic love and Platonic love are not mutually exclusive.


They’ve been lying to you about their motivations, the whole time they’ve been pretending to be friends when really it was just a long con. Thats the betrayal.


They’ve been lying to you about their motivations, the whole time they’ve been pretending to be friends when really it was just a long con. Thats the betrayal.

Who says they were pretending? Like I said, the two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Something might start out as a simple platonic friendship and develop, on one side only, into something else. I don’t see why anyone should have to apologise for that. It is of course entirely possibly it starts out as pure lust, and they fake it in the hopes of turning into something else, but I see no reason to generalise about all unrequited romantic feelings in this way.


Yes and no. I feel like we’re talking about two different situations. Can one develop feelings for a friend? Sure, happens all the time I’m sure. But I’m talking about when someone has romance as a motivator from the start but uses the guise of “friendship” to get close to their intended paramour. I’m not generalizing about all unrequited romantic feelings, I’m talking about a specific set of circumstances.


Are you sure it’s a calendar, or does it just feel like a calendar?


The calendar works as a process for measuring time. The physical doo-hickeys serve merely as tangible reminders.

They feel to me alternately like: material, chronology, ethnocentrism, Earth-centrism, organization, and affective continuum. But that’s just before breakfast.

Eh,it’s more cesium-centric.

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It seems to me like “friendzoning” applies to both situations though (and when one group of people talk about it they usually mean the first situation, when another does they mean the other one). Trying to make it all about the obviously negative scenarios minimises the hurt felt by the blameless people in the other situations, and just makes them feel worse. How would you be able to tell the difference between them anyway, without a mind reading device? And do you even have any idea what the ratio between instances of the two scenarios are?

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I almost bought an atomic clock from the US Army years ago, but a friend outbid me on it. I was just wondering about them recently.

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I’m not talking about unspoken emotions, I’m talking about spoken ones.
This, this is what I’m talking about.

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I have no idea what your comic has to do with what I wrote, sorry.

As I said before, I think we’re talking about different things.
I’m talking about that comic, that exact situation, you are talking about something else.

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I’m talking about both things, you seem to be generalising from anecdote and little evidence.

Why do you assume that a friendship is more superficial than a romantic and/or sexual one?


I am talking about my lived experiences. And only those.

If your lived experience encompases what “every woman you know” thinks, then you might want to consider the possibility that your lived experience doesn’t always match with reality.