School bus driver bans little girl from reading

That’s what our middle and high schools do at dances if things are getting “out of hand”: they put on country music…which kind of ticks me off, because there’s a lot of good country music, so it shouldn’t be automatically thought of as a punishment. But of course what they mean is BAD country music.


There is the persistent danger of children learning to think.

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It could be WAY worse. It could be brass-band music.


I have resorted to John Philips Sousa on more than one occasion as the final wake-up call for one of my children.


Yes, please kick his arse.

Auger? You might be related to this guy, Pierre Victor Auger

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Cool! But if we are related, it would be very distant, since my Auger line has been FC since the 1600s.

Excellent adaptation. For those who are curious, here’s the reference.


Yeah, but look at what she was reading:


Stop sitting quietly and not disturbing the driver! Why aren’t you shrieking at your friends like the other little brats?

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We used to spend our time on the school bus trying to see who could pull the biggest branches off the trees as we drove past. In hindsight, not the smartest.

And the time we noticed that the bus bell strip was missing the cover at the end and a couple of wires were sticking out. So my friend wrapped them together. We noticed all the bell buttons were getting rather warm, thought nothing more of it. Caused a bit of fire/smoke damage to the bus by the time it got back to the depot, apparently. We got into trouble for that one.

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Bell strip?

I don’t recall any bells, luckily. I have noticed that the new buses are equipped with flashing weapons/lights, but since they are outside they shouldn’t inflict excruciating pain the the kids, except when getting on or off.

Maybe it’s a British thing.

Just take a grinder and remove all the points.

I don’t know what it is, but based on the term “bell,” and “… is used in police interview rooms and custody suites, courts and prisons throughout the UK,” I can’t help think it is used as a torture device.

nonsense. Bell Strips are typically found on American public buses, but not American school buses. An American school bus stops at each and every stop-- but those stops are usually clustered within a single neighborhood.

How is she supposed to grow up to be a bus driver if she’s allowed to read!?

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The context is that the rules of the bus are that you have to keep all your possessions in your bag for the entire trip. This is of course petty and stupid, but it’s at least consistent. It’s not about this one child, and it’s not about books or reading.

That was in the bit that Cory quoted. I don’t mean to single you out in particular, but it wierds me out that, in 60-odd posts of aghast disbelief, I seem to be the only person who actually read the post we’re discussing.

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Is it actually consistently enforced? Especially since the school basically said that bus drivers get to make up the rules? (I read that part, too!) the fact of the matter is that the article has nothing to say about the quality of the relationships between the driver, the child, the parents, or the school administration.

I know enough about conflict management to know that things are rarely so simple, and I find it hard to believe that on a bus with 40-odd children, she is somehow the only one getting hammered for this.


To be fair, the other kids are only pulling out drugs and guns, not something dangerous like a book.