Studies of bisexuality generally not very good

That makes perfect sense. To be clear, I thought that was your position, I was just elaborating on a few thoughts of my own, seeing as I’ve been on the pointed end of those denials.

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Maybe we can decide that sexual preference and identity with respect to gender is not a moral issue.


Well, I agree in principle, it’s something that an individual can report buuutt…

That essentially amounts to hearsay when Science shakes it’s Null Hypothesis stick at the ‘theory’.

Not really. I mean, my chocolate cake example works. Why would the null hypothesis be “there are no bisexuals” why isn’t it “there are not hetero- or homosexuals.” In a way that’s a much simpler explanation. The reason a so-called “heterosexual” hasn’t had sex with anyone of the same sex is that they just haven’t met the right same-sex person yet, or had a good opportunity. I mean, bisexuals can probably prove that they have had or are willing to have sex with people of either sex, but heterosexuals can’t exactly prove that they wouldn’t have sex with someone of their own sex, they can only claim they don’t want to, and that could be for any number of reasons.


Why is it so hard to believe that folks that have different ratios of hormones / neurotransmitters have differences in why they approach different things? It doesn’t take that much of a change to see a complete difference in personality.

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This really goes towards one of the reasons a lot of researchers have falsely believed that bisexuality does not exist – at least in men.

One of the problems with studying this is that the reverse of all of this is also true. For gay men, claiming bisexuality was a way to straddle the line. There may be a double threat to the idea of someone else being bisexual as you say, but for people that felt that it was unnatural – even in their own skin – the claim of being bisexual was to hedge the vileness of their own sexuality. I’ve known quite a few gay men that carried on relations with women for YEARS before finally admitting that it wasn’t working out, and would never work out. Living in a hostile environment, you tend to do things you natually wouldn’t want to do .

With women, there is less of a stigma to date men to prove you are bisexual (i.e., only half perverted), and thus heterosexuality / bisexuality / homosexuality sorta mets out as it should. Once you get to these studies and you use self-report, women have less on a reason to lie so their numbers are accurate. Men get into these studies and 90%+ of the folks that claim to be bisexual really aren’t.

Given the last BB conversation I had led to me being called classist, racist and an all around bigot, I’m merely talking about how the studies work out, and the self-selective nature of trying to get folks into a study like the ones discussed. When you need matching pairs, especially in less represented populations, you generally put a call out for specific populations in your notices (NEEDED MALE BISEXUAL AGE 18 TO 36) where as if you were to capture a much larger population without the call out, the numbers would be more accurate. I believe there are bisexuals out there, given my field of study (psychology) I have quite a few friends that got into the field to understand themselves more and as such, a LOT of friends that fall in every degree of sexuality and are open about it. Probably more so than ‘normal’. I don’t believe sexuality has anything to do with morality, so even when I don’t understand someone’s particular kink, I don’t really care.


But where’s the evidence?!?!
Double blind study or it didn’t happen.

Yeah, for brevity’s sake I didn’t want to get into the gay male viewpoint (that’s like…what, twelve permutations of interaction at that point? Ack!), but that’s exactly correct. Which in turn leads to gay male skepticism of the bisexual male…the “pit stop on the way to gay town” narrative has strong common cultural currency there. And all of that - to me, at least - points squarely towards the increasing ineffectiveness of common modern conceptions of sexuality. The binary is failing, and the trinary isn’t much better…

I’ve met a lot of younger people (early to late twenties - yikes, I call that young) who seem to feel that they can date whoever they date and fall in love with whoever they fall in love with without being gay or straight or otherwise labeling themselves. It seems like a really great development.


OH the calamity! Collapse of society imminent! The crazy republicans were right! People finding and enjoying the company of fellow human beings without resorting to labels and categories, woe be onto us all!

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