The sexist double standard of summer dress codes

By “sexist” I meant “criteria which deliberately assume and/or require different standards or expectations depending upon ones sex”. Being expected to wear nice clothes is perfectly reasonable, but making this separate male and female categories seems awfully regressive.

To show how easy this can be to do, here’s a quick edit to the dress code from your post:

Students are expected to wear shirt and tie with dress, skirt, split skirts, dress slacks, Dockers or khaki pants. Capri pants covering the calf are permitted. Dress shirts including knit shirts with a collar can be worn with properly knotted and positioned ties. Ties are to be properly positioned at the neck at all times. Shirts that do not have a top collar button are not appropriate for ties. All dress shirts should be tucked in the dress pants not rolled under at all times and never hang loosely over the pants. Students may not wear halter tops, spaghetti straps, midriff tops or low cut shirts. Tops must substantially cover the waist. No denim, or denim look-a-likes; balloon pants, fatigues, sweat pants, riveted pants, cargo pants, pants with studs, jeans. lycra, stirrup, spandex, Capri or sweat pants are permitted. The hem of a dress or skirt must go beyond the length of your arm when standing.

Suit jackets, sports jackets, v-neck sweaters, v-neck vest, or cardigan sweaters must be worn from October 1st to April 30th each school year. Your buttoned shirt and tie must be visible above the v-neck to be acceptable. Crew neck sweaters, turtle neck sweaters, sweatshirts with or without school logo, sweat shirts with a hood, sweaters with logos, i.e. NIKE, FUBU etc. are not permitted. Corporate symbols, i.e. Ralph Lauren polo player symbol, are permitted.

A few other OT problems with it: Semantic nitpicking about what constitutes a “logo” as opposed to a “corporate symbol”. Also, this notion of, as you refer to it, “professional dress” is entirely Eurocentric. It certainly doesn’t reflect the native norms of the New Jersey area.