Weaving a Co-opernation

Heh. . err, yeah. Sometimes when I try to blend too much in the sentence structure fails me.

Yeah, I just need to figure out how to get the thoughts all up there in some tight format, or have somebody else take a stab at it.

I ended up having difficulties when I focused just on the corporate approach, because people have so many negative connotations that they can’t seem to get past (egads the Utopians were exasperating!), so I’m stuck in between approaches. I’m starting to warm to the idea of multiple tight approaches, just so we have more than one. . . maybe just two or three will be enough to sidestep the big problems.

Yeah, that’s like. . 90% of the design, really. It’s all about each individual person.

Those two TED playlists (the ‘Work Smarter’ and the ‘Predictably Irrational’ ones) provide a surprising amount of support in those two collections of talks, but really they’re just the tip of the iceberg too.

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