Who should you believe on climate change?

I wonder if he discussed all this in a meeting with his agent to plan retirement from Wheel of Fortune. They brainstormed and figured this would be a good way to get his name out there and land a Fox “News” gig afterwards.

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Thanks for your input Stupid_McShitforbrains

Willard Anthony Watts (Anthony Watts) is a blogger, weathercaster and non-scientist, paid AGW denier who runs the website wattsupwiththat.com. He does not have a university qualification and has no climate credentials other than being a radio weather announcer. His website is parodied and debunked at the website wottsupwiththat.com Watts is on the payroll of the Heartland Institute, which itself is funded by polluting industries.

Don’t come back anytime soon you fucking worthless piece of shit.

You might have a better time on one of the plasma cosmology threads.

…or hanging out with teabaggers.

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