Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

Representative democracy will become the new black worldwide. We’ll finally become more respected and trusted around the world again — instead of increasingly feared and despised.

Just look at the influence worldwide after decriminalizing marijuana here in CO, for example:

A Sanders administration will help us to become a world leader that exports freedom by example instead of imperialism by the tip of the sword that leads to decades of blowback (ISIS, for example) and less safety here at home and abroad.

Bernie Sanders is labeled as such here in the United States to this day. We’re just not allowing those scumbags to chose the narratives for us anymore.

[quote=“Kimmo, post:126, topic:59394”]
What makes you think the secret service is above influence?
[/quote]Again, there’s a lot of right wing nuts that are terroristic in the USA. They most certainly would pay to harm Obama, etc. if they could. Many of these people literally think Obama is the anti-Christ, etc. — If the secret service was that inept or easily paid off to arrange a hit on the president, there would have been an assassination on Obama by now.

And, frankly, none of us should allow cowardly fear to stop us anyway. They kill Sanders, he’ll be martyred and many others will step up in his place to carry on the fight with more passion and determination than our adversaries can ever handle.

They think the surge for Sanders’ policies is intense now? Try martyring him and watch what happens.

I’m more concerned about the competence of whoever fat cats hire

If some corporatists got together to arrange such a thing they’d be destroyed very quickly. This isn’t the 1960’s. Today, there are many watchful eyes and listening ears trained upon the powerful and their lackeys. The NSA isn’t the only entity with access to private communications in this world. There are grassroots hacktivists that have access. Where do you think all those leaks keep coming from? Moles from the inside and hackers from the outside.

Corporatists are too self-serving to perform such risky, even suicidal acts. No one loves their own lives more than the corporatists do and they certainly aren’t the sacrificial type by any stretch. They know they’re being watched and they know the consequences of trying to arrange physical harm towards Sanders would be returned in kind and then some.

It’s better to take a cut in already ridiculous wealth than risk it all and perhaps only end up with a glorified martyr in the process that instills a passionate “response”.