Wind farm to destroy Canada's first 'dark sky preserve'

Don’t forget to rebuild the people in the plane too. I hear that can be pretty difficult.


Oh, noes, green energy near rich people’s summer houses. This is an outrage.

That’s exactly it. I’m from Matawatchan, on the northern end of this “preserve.” This is an area that was once all farms, and gradually got forested over again with the government buying back the land. Now it’s cottage country.

When word came that the main road through the area would be paved, a few of the cottage owners - wealthy Americans - complained that it was horrible no-good terrible thing. It would ruin the country charm of the area.

My Dad: Do you have paved roads where you live?

Cottagers: Of course!

My Dad: Well I live here. Why can’t I have paved roads?


Nature: RED in TOOTH and CLAW.

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I am really trying my best to have this piece of cake while it is really already halfway down my throat!!!

Oh, the humanity!

Just a new made-up reason to try and hinder green energy. Seriously, aircraft warning lights do not create any significant light pollution… a city full of streetlights does. Besides, there are no big telescopes there for it to interfere with, and if there were, those things would have aircraft warning lights on them as well.


NIMBY’s have the same right to oppose a windfarm or a bike path as to oppose a pipeline or a reactor. That’s called “equal protection of the laws” and a lot of countries which I like have it.

Test the claims, don’t ridicule them.

LEED professional very concerned about Dark Skies weighing in:

This is a bullshit complaint. Having been up close and personal with turbines in the middle of the night, they are not loud. Nor are their aircraft warning lights a real danger to light pollution. The amount of lumens escaping up and outward are not enough to even illuminate the ground below these things.

Do they have a photo of them at night if that’s their main complaint? Oh, wait I have one:

Better take up arms against that pesky moon, that’s the real damage there.

I’ll fight to the death to protect dark skies, but this isn’t a sword to fall on. How is this “well lit”?


People who make the claims need to supply the evidence, not unfounded BS.
Unfortunately, that leaves the skeptics to make the effort to find the evidence.
Please see the wonderful picture supplied by SteampunkBanana below.


Point me to the lights on those towers. Because I’m not seeing them. The only light shown is from the moon, which you also see on the ground in front.

No moon shots of the Milky Way are still going to be possible. Even with aircraft warning lights.

And here’s a timelapse as well.


And please see my pictures below. Drink in those gorgeous blacks, and stuff your tired greys.

I work in a little town in North East England called Blyth, which has umpteen wind turbines. They make no discernible noise that I can detect unless you go and hug one of them. Given that the previous industry there was aluminium smelting and coal mining (there’s still a port of sorts, so there’s heroin importing, but whatevs), no one seems to mind them very much.


I’m not questioning their right to voice opposition. I’m ridiculing them for opposing clean energy infrastructure because it interferes with the view from their vacation homes.


No, it’s the residents voicing their opposition.

There’s a reasonable, responsible way to do this. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Nah, not really. It just takes two people (of opposing sex) and a little Barry White.

The international community begs to differ.

Just wait until we can get off this rock, then I’ll have the last laugh.


We choose to rebuild the people and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…

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The Intelligence community is working on that.

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