11foot8 (plus8) Apr 2024

We got another one!

With added train this time.


This is highly irregular! Do I repost the card or what?


From what i can tell the truck kept going like, “no one will notice as long as i don’t say anything (who’s going to climb up to inspect the top anyway!)”


Incidentally, one reason you rarely see trucks come to a stop on-camera after they make it all the way under is that this stretch of Gregson is a terrible place to stop, with two busy-ish lanes and no shoulder. There isn’t a shoulder until you get over the next road but at least once you get around that bend, there’s a nice straightaway where visibility opens way up and there are also a few places to turn off. (I’ve driven by at least one victim of the bridge and seen photos of a few others who took this approach.)

Also: I love how this one is running the light and then realizes at the last minute, “Wait, was that sign talking about me? Well, better sneak up on it just in case.” Followed by:


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