20 finalists in the US Championship Cheese Contest

Stilton? From America? I’ll have you know it can only come from Leics, Notts, or Derbys.

(it always amuses me that you can’t make cheese in Stilton and call it Stilton).


You know that I know that I pitted the US, the UK, and France against each other.

Yeah, I am a bear of very little brain and misread anyway.


Ever had white Stilton? Virtually impossible to get in the states.

I’d just like it not to come with fucking mango or apricot in it.


It was, thank you. Seen some beautiful things and met very nice people.


Start reading, and that will give me time to run out to the store for a fresh bottle of pastis.:wink:


::shudders:: Yeah, no, hard pass. I think I’d rather drive to Antigo. It’s only about an 8.5 hour drive, right?


The upside is, from where you are, it’s probably faster to go down than up – right? – so you’d have to go through Chicago to get there!

edited to add:

Without inputting actual addresses,

Detroit to Antigo via 94 (Chicago): 561 miles, 8h36m.
via 75 (da UP): 569 miles, 9h9m.

Chicago, by a whisker! And that even includes getting past 33 current “incidents” (mostly accidents, plus a few construction areas) on that route.

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That is quite true. 8.5 hours going the northern route only gets me to Rhinelander - about 1.5 hours from Antigo. Guess I’ll have to come see you on the way!


Do you mind to pour me one? Helps with reading trough. :wink:

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