33 state Democratic parties launder $26M from millionaires for Hillary

No scare tactics. I am just laying out the truth. If you sit out the general election, you are working very hard to bring us another disastrous conservative administration.

And nobody is disparaging Bernie. I voted for Bernie in the primary. I will vote for Bernie in November if he is the nominee.

Rational adults will support the Democrat in November.

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Thanks for the insult but I am not a Democrat. They’re too far to the right for me usually. Bernie is the exception.

How are insults working as a vote winning tactic, out of interest?


but Bernie doesn’t want to raise money for the party.


I think it’s wrong. You don’t. How is it we share the same morality on this issue? That’s not derision. That’s a fact, and a fairly boring one at that.


the awful awful prospect of machine politics.

Personally, I’d like to see Democratic majorities in state legislatures again, perhaps in time for redistricting.


It’s NOT okay. What you consider to be moral I do not. In other words I consider the behavior of the Clinton campaign and the state Democratic parties to be immoral. I also consider those who justify this behavior to be immoral. This behavior is corrupt and immoral and I am stunned that anyone would try to defend it. It’s indefensible.


@jhart3333 , @ActionAbe

Why is it wrong?

I make a legal donation to the Democratic Party and they distribute it to the state and local parties. What is the moral issue here ? Where is the unscrupulous behavior, the corruption, the indecency ?

You keep asserting that it’s immoral, but you haven’t come close to explaining why it’s immoral.

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Reading comprehension is your friend. Frankly, I don’t think you ever had a problem understanding what was going on in the above quote.


Take it personally. The election is all about your feelings. Forget the nation-wide and world-wide implications of your vote.
It’s all about you.

Sorry but I vote for candidates not against other candidates.

If the Dems can’t convince me to vote for their candidate, I don’t vote for their candidate. Period. You can’t just point to the other guy and talk about how evil he is. Give me a candidate that I want to vote for and I will.

We remember this, that’s why we can’t vote for another Clinton…


Uhm, neither? Just like neither will vote against the TPP and neither will quit invading countries in the Middle East.


Doctorow’s hyperbolic paranoia isn’t evidence of anything but his own bad faith and ignorance.

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Yes it’s all about me. Nothing to do with Hillary making little more than token gestures and threats to people to the left of her party. I have seen what unquestioning support of a party to my right got in the UK; purges then Tony Blair (who was as bad as the conservatives). Lets not do that again, please.

She would be a Conservative in any other western country but America, and everything she says backs that statement.

I won’t directly tell people not to vote for her but I won’t tell them not to vote green or any other left wing party. If Hillary makes a considerable move to stop alienating those to the left of her party I might reconsider my opposition, but until then, no thanks.


Okay, I take it back. You probably never got past the headline.

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Are you disappointed in Cory and Boing Boing?


No, not disappointed - it’s what I’ve come to expect. And I don’t come here for political info.

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raising money for downticket races and state- and local-level party organizations.

If an individual wants to give to downticket races, their money would be better spent elsewhere than Hillary’s Victory PAC.

The first $2,700 goes to Hillary’s campaign, the next $33,400 goes to the DNC, and the rest then gets split up amongst 32 states to a maximum of $10,000 each. So for your contribution of $50k to the Hillary Victory fund – to help all those downticket races – means that that South Carolina state party gets a whopping $434.37.

The Hillary Victory fund does not give directly to local-level party organizations.


well, when the country was founded, only white landowners could vote.
so quite possibly so.


If an individual wants to give to downticket races, their money would be better spent elsewhere than Hillary’s Victory PAC.


the next $33,400 goes to the DNC

Which will ultimately go to support candidates and the party in general (ex. to pay for the convention). And yes, it helps pay the execrable DWS’s salary.

Remember 2000 in Florida?

A bunch of people decided to cast a protest vote for Nader instead of Gore, because of that you got 8 years of a Bush presidency.

A possibly avoidable war in Afghanistan, a ridiculously avoidable war in Iraq (eventually leading to ISIS), 8 lost years of action on stem cell research, many lost years of action on climate change (it’s still politically toxic).

There are hundreds of thousands of deaths that would have been avoided if those people had voted for Gore.

Now instead of Bush you’ve Trump or Cruz. Cruz is bad enough but if Trump wins he could be orders of magnitude worse than Bush, his foreign policy positions include starting a nuclear arms race in Asia.

So I’m sorry if you have to hold your nose while you vote for Clinton, but if you’re in anything resembling a swing state this election has massive consequences.