41 home improvement tips

You could put it in a lovely glass container! :wink:

I should make my own, I know this, I’m becoming increasingly sensitive to scents as I get older, but so far Ivory Snow is still good for me.


When women started expecting men to really, truly participate in housekeeping, cooking, and other “feminine” activities (and men realized they were good skills to have on their own).

IMO, it’s basically the equivalent of adding “man” to everything - manny, mantyhose, murse, guyliner, etc. etc.

In other words, it sort of works out to a kind of “no homo.”

(Seriously, I work with a lot of tech folks in my private practice. I had a hetero couple struggling over chores, where he says to her “if you just give me a list of what to do, I’ll do it.” I said to him “so many tech guys are obsessed with hacking everyday tasks and geeking out over stuff like their diets or their workouts. Surely you could turn that energy toward researching and learning about all the skills needed to keep a house, you know? Become an expert! Make your own list!” which he allowed was a fair point.)

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If you’re in the US, I highly recommend either Dreft (though pricey, because babies) or one of the unscented “green” brands like Seventh Generation (pricey because treehuggers). I developed an allergy to scented laundry products almost overnight about 15 years ago and both have worked very well for me.

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I am in Canada, and when I remember to go to the hippy stores I pick up 7th Gen, or some of the other unscented ones, they’re all fine for me. :slight_smile: Thanks!

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