50 must-read fantasy books by women

I loved the Wayward Children series and have recommended it to several people. I was pumped when the latest one came out and wasn’t disappointed (though it also wasn’t my absolute favorite) The metaphors are strong and plain to see (about right for my capacity right now) and I teared up at least once per book, though TBF I am a sleep deprived parent of two young kids. And it doesn’t help theat they are both girls whose tough roads ahead I already fear…


Getting tired of Michelle Sagara/West being overlooked. She’s got two major worlds that she writes in, one for each last name, and they’re just as good if not better than Jordan, Sanderson, and Erikson’s works. Highly recommend her epics and heroics.

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There was a line in Every Heart a Doorway that really resonated for me, something about parents being unable to let go of who they expect their children to be and accept them as the people they become. My daughter is an teenager, just beginning to inhabit and project herself on the world as an adult, and I often find it difficult to resolve the dissonance between who she is and who I thought she would be.


I LOVE Leckie, but the second-person POV (reader as main character) in Raven Tower is really throwing me off at the beginning. I’ll force myself to get over the hump at some point, but I wish she hadn’t written it that way.

Great list. I’ll add that most anything by Lois McMaster Bujold (particularly the Vorkosigan stories and the stories set in the World of the Five Gods) is worth reading. Those two series are some of the best fantasy ever written, IMO.

Also, Catherine Webb (a.k.a. Claire North and Kate Griffin) writes terrific contemporary fantasy. I haven’t read all of her stuff, but I highly recommend her Matthew Swift books, as well as The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August and The Sudden Appearance of Hope.

Really enjoyed Charlie Jane Anders’ All the Birds in the Sky. About to read City in the Middle of the Night.

I have never heard of that series, but that’s quite a recommendation. I’ll check it out!


Anne McAffrey. There, 15 year inner nerd, i said it, leave me be


This is my absolute favourite series in production right now. Second place is Mary Robinette Kowal’s Lady Astronaut series. There is a reason The Calculating Stars is tearing through the awards lists. But Wayward Children… anytime Seanan even hints at a new one, I am down to the local bookstore to see if I can pre-order.

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