6 great deals on techie stocking stuffers

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/11/6-great-deals-on-techie-stocki.html

The Solarjuice charger has not improved with age. Earlier Boingboing comments here.

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Thank you @ klossner for posting that link. It would have taken me forever to find it.

I love how BoingBoing allows comments on the items it shills. I may not trust the item, but it does make the hullabaloo all the more trustworthy and transparent when people are able to discuss the products on the site that is trying to sell them.

I have a few solar cells that have USB outputs. I wondered about the efficacy of a tiny solar charger on a fairly large battery. I can see other people’s thoughts on the matter as well as the deep linking lets me see other reviews .

Again, thank you for posting the link from this page to the previous one you listed above, and, seriously, thank BoingBoing for allowing people to comment on the items you sell to help generate revenue.


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