A bunch of rookie cops have recently been fired for doing bad things. Let's think about that for a moment

…and also that these newbies seem to be coming up in a training culture that gives them the idea that this shit is okay, hilarious, even???


Again, KS “Fucking Pig” cop was NOT new to law enforcement. The Army taught him how to ‘police’ for 5 years before he joined the ‘civilian’ force.

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I’m just glad that we’re finally becoming a “minority majority” country. Get more diversification in authoritarian positions (that means politicians and judges as well as cops (and I’m not even going to dive into our dear pal Clarence Thomas)).

Us Caucasians seem to be screwing things up royally. I’m trying to fix things on my end, but damn a lot of us are dumb.


Today it feels to me like white culture is an imperialist culture, like somehow one of our values is that it makes sense for more powerful people to rule weaker people. As a white “little” person you are suppose to seek out your own little empire to be a petty tyrant of (whether that’s your house, your family, your co-workers, the boingboing BBS, etc) while being obedient to the tyrants of the empire that you are a subject of (plutocracy, contemporary “conservatism”, etc).


Yes, a lot of historians, sociologists etc agree.

Domination and assertions of superiority were the very point of emphasizing “whiteness” in the first place.


I’m not sure why I developed the sense that we are meant to help and protect those weaker than us.

Maybe it was through what little exposure I had to the teachings of Jesus when I was young, but if so… how come that message stuck with me and has sailed past so many so-called “Christians” both in and out of power? The same ones who believe with all their heart that Jesus was a white guy.


Because “Christianity” has long been co-opted and wielded as a tool and weapon by elites?


It is a theme in a LOT of kid’s shows, so that makes sense. It just doesn’t get reinforced much for adults. Seems like some people get it and it sticks, while for others, expressing dominance becomes more important.


You’ve answered your own question.
Fear of Other so great that anything that is both Good and Other must be co-opted.


In this former Soldier’s opinion, being an MP should be an automatic disqualifier from entering any police force, or at least there should be a 4 year gap between being an MP and entering Civilian police work.
The role of an MP is more like being a motorized cavalry scout, with incidental traffic enforcement duties while in garrison.


I think it’s there in same messaging. The whole reason to submit to authoritarian rule is that the strongman is supposedly going to protect you from something. Parents protect children but they also make decisions for children. Some people give food rather than money to those requesting assistance on the street because they don’t trust those people to make their own decisions (“they’ll spend it on alcohol”). I’m not saying that’s the only possible concept of protecting, but certainly the ideas of protecting and controlling can be very intertwined.

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Maybe I should have used the word “defend” instead of “protect.” Or “help.” “Stand up for?”

I don’t mean control, and I don’t mean ignore. Both things our rulers do in spades.

My kids are both grown and I did my best to guide them, but now they are out in the world making their own decisions. I’m here to help them if or when they need me, but I’m not making their decisions for them. I had my chance to shape them when they were young and now what they do is on them. But I won’t turn my back on them if they need me.

Yeah, I’ve run into that as well. And the “they don’t really need it, they are just scamming gullible people” message that’s very popular.


Co-opted? The Bible has always been a tool for mass crowd control.


“I did not consider the magnitude of the decision I was making at the time, and did not display the courage needed to end the situation before it got out of control," Darling wrote in his statement to The Herington Times. “In a profession that relies upon trust, there is little to no room for errors made by law enforcement officers, especially in the climate that they now serve.”
“I hope that all of those affected by my actions will truly consider that this situation was created by me, one person, and does not define the character of the law enforcement profession.”

Why the fuck do they have to talk like that all the time?


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