A deep dive into the dying of Red Lobster

Nym checks out.


… careful what you wish for

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That’s literally cheese sauce. It’s the same set of ingredients. Saying cheese separately from the rest of the ingredients doesn’t make it anything other than cheese sauce when you mix the two together.

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If you want a non-AI version Little Big just dropped their new album yesterday…

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Dog Reaction GIF


Only because it doesn’t need one, and never has.

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Um, No.

Lobsters are popular


This is one reason, among others, to have publicly owned nursing homes, either state owned or city owned ones.


For some weird reason, some landlords don’t mind to leave a vacant shop if nobody wants to pay the rent they want. They’re hoping to find sooner or later somebody wanting to pay that rent, especially in high rent areas. In less commercial areas they are going to sell the vacant shop and grab all the cash.

For the latter case, there was a sort of tex-mex-pizza restaurant that closed, and because wasn’t in a very commercial street nobody was going to rent it to reopen a restaurant, and also needed some renovations. Somebody bought it at least but asked to modify the use to residential, and now it’s an apartment and a family lives there, with a proper pizza oven, I suppose.


A playlist of all available videos of Leon the pet grocery store lobster:

Recipe or it didn’t happen!


Roux with bay, cloves and black peppercorns, toasted.
Whole milk
Sauce, cooked out.
Sharp cheddar chunks.
Mac or other fluffy type pasta, cooked
Strain off the white sauce.
Combine ingredients and put them in a buttered casserole.
Top with bread crumbs and some butter pats.
Bake at 350 for and hour covered for most of that time.

Can’t be beat, don’t put any weird shit in it like lobster or smoked gouda.


Thank you!


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