A digital clock that makes you do math to tell the time

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/12/17/a-digital-clock-that-makes-you.html

Pity it doesn’t count seconds. Speed drill!


Arithmetic, not math. Obviously it’s a subset of math, but when it comes to kids and education it’s important to note the difference. I’m bad at arithmetic but good at geometry and algebra and knowing when to apply formulas. I can do calculations in my head but I’m slow and easily distracted. Because of this it took me until middle school to realize that I actually liked math.

My point is that the idea of “you’re bad a math, do some arithmetic” feels cruel and unfunny.


“what time is it?”
Ehhhh don’t care enough

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I’m trying to train myself to use metric, and I have to do a calculation every time I try to figure out the temperature, so it’s not a big deal. However, my nephew is now in his 20’s and has never felt the need to learn how to read an analog clock or watch. Maybe I should buy this for him for Christmas.

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Or you could buy a Switch with that much money and end up having your kid end up being happy with your gift choice

Do they always put the multiplication first? Probably for the best. Less drama.

Repeat after me: Albert Einstein was not bad at math.

It’s just that as a kid he first lived and went to school in Germany and then lived an went to school in Switzerland. And both countries use different systems for school marks. Both use numbers from 1 to 6, but
Switzerland: 6 = best possible mark.
Germany: 1 = best possible mark.


“There are some numbers, but they could be anything.”

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I did the math. That’s one expansive clock!

This. Just cause I can do a proof that 1+1=2 (not anymore been way too long since that class) and did well in all my 300 level math courses does not mean I can add/multiply/etc in my head. If I don’t have a calculator I will fuck it up.


And the calculator has to have RPN.

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Just no.

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