A Fresh Voice for San Francisco

Neither her age nor the length of time she’s been in Congress has anything to do with whether or not she is tech savvy. I’ve been in my profession longer than she’s been in Congress, and I’m plenty tech savvy. (Savvy enough to know the difference between the internet and the web, for example. Maybe Mr. Fresh Voice is too young for the job, if he doesn’t know the difference?)

Pelosi is easy enough to criticize without falling back on knee-jerk ageism.

(ETA: What @GulliverFoyle said.)


perhaps that they lacked passion for numeracy, then?

Yoda for President!

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Possibly, but I’m keeping in mind that this was basically a PR piece and the candidate probably didn’t write it himself.

Or perhaps they’re supernumerary? (dodges tomatoes)

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Funny how Trump has normalized the idea that a candidate is not responsible for the rhetoric of his or her campaign staff.


Well, no, I think he’s ultimately responsible for what every employee says in his stead. My point is that if I have a relatively minor qualm with a single sentence in a long-form press release, I’m going to look to the canidate’s message and behavior over time. If the ageism from his campaign continues, it’s on the candidate. If I hire or accept the volunteer work of someone who says something questionable on my behalf, I deserve the chance to correct the record. Trump doesn’t correct the record. He equivocates or doubles-down.


I guess. Though honestly I expect he is a small enough fry that he wrote this himself.

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His eyes had me at ‘hello’. I suppose he hasn’t said hello yet, but, I can tell he is a kind, genuine person.

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