A "long lost" 70s superhero comic is finally being published

Originally published at: A "long lost" 70s superhero comic is finally being published - Boing Boing


Huh, I noticed another comic series that just started this year which is about a fictional '70s, popular comic (the sort which spawns big Hollywood movies) whose rights have been thrown into disarray because of conflicts between the original writer and illustrator, where they seem to also be separately publishing the comic-within-the-comic. (So one comic about comic book creators/industry dealing with the changing comic book landscape and another comic about superhero characters.)

It’s practically a trend… I wonder if a specific event inspired both comics, or if they’re just both generally a response to the Disneyfication of Marvel, the various rights issues it exposed and greater recognition of who gets credit or is even allowed to be part of the industry in the first place.


Are you referring to PUBLIC DOMAIN which I was planning on reviewing later this week>


Yeah, I believe that’s the one… huh, did it actually start in 2022?

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These rarely go well.

DC had Triumph, who was so dull that he even died off-screen.

Marvel had more success with the Sentry, although his backstory has changed multiple times.

Probably other big and small players have tried this too, but it seems like a play for nostalgia.

I mean, this is based on a diagetic text from a successful (and excellent!) novel, which makes it a little different. No one’s actually trying to deceive anyone into thinking it was re-discovered.

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