A modern nixie tube clock of great ambition, regrettably IoTed

Hah. :slight_smile: I programmed it with a bunch of different modes:

  • Temperature (F) mode
  • Temperature © mode
  • Barometer mode (because why the hell not)
  • Counter mode (where it cycles from 000-999)
  • Random number mode (I call this “prop mode”)

It just so happened at the time I took that picture I had it in cycle mode. The decimal point is permanently powered although I may change this in the future.

More background in case anybody cares. My project is using an Arduino Micro as its MCU (although I’ll probably change it to a bare ATmega328 when it’s all done). I have 3 chained 75HC595 shift registers handling signalling to the 3 74141 BCD decoders that handle the tubes’ numeric output. There’s 3 Neopixels underneath the tubes as well as the aforementioned MPL3115A2 weather sensor all being driven over the I2C bus. A separate 12V to 160V boost converter handles lighting up the nixie tubes.

I’ve transferred the PSU components to a permanent board but I still a long way to do go actually complete the project. The big thing I need to do is build a case for it which I plan to laser cut out of clear acrylic. I need to permanently mount the rest of the components to their own board and of course I have to add a bunch of blinkenlights along the I/O paths just because it will look damn cool. I’ve had basically zero time over the past year to invest in this but once I do finally finish it I’ll be sure to post pictures to the crafty thread here.


(I think this might actually be IO Ted.)


Only glass panes joined by soldered brass will do for a project this magnificent!


I once bought such thing at local military sulprus store:

It has three Japanese nixie tubes and lots of small lightbulbs. It doesn’t have enough tubes to make a good clock, but something like that would look cool in your project :slight_smile:

I can’t find any info about it on the internet, but part number on the front is PC7939\2 F and 490-FAU-289 on the back side.

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That’s a pretty neat find. Those look like IN12 tubes.

And it was only 3$ :slight_smile:

I have frequency counter with 8 IN12 tubes and these are very similar. The type is Rodan CD43.

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