A stupid way to protest Israeli policy

I will say this: partisan media is next to worthless.

“Up to” 6 teenagers does not a mob make. 6 teenagers confronting you in Perth is totally different to “being in an Arab village and trapped in a car.”

The criticism of Harris’ that I was making reference to was really of the State anyway, enabling delusional behaviour and the building on contested land.
This goal, of building on contested land, to occupy ‘holy’ land, is being enabled by the state and they deserve criticism.

I’m not sure how primary a cause that is, or how one would even judge such a thing.

I’m not sure how well Harris understands the spectrum of thought in regards to this so called contested land and won’t speculate on what he may or may not know. However, both in religious and secular thought, the Land of Israel goes rom the Jordan to the Mediterranean. The parts near the Jordan currently occupied by some Arabs are in fact an historically important part of our homeland. Again this has nothing to do with what nation state rules the land from the religious viewpoint but may or may not from the secular viewpoint.

Also fwiw, the term “holy land” is basically a Christian concept.

That was the rub, yes.

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