I am repelled by most fictional and true crime shows. They’re all about wallowing in the bullet holes, the steaming guts, and the allure of nasty, sociopathic people doing nasty, violent things. We’re given more-or-less “good guys” but they’re mostly window dressing for the crimes. I offer as supporting evidence the typical TV or movie teaser. It’s all victims (usually women) screaming, weapons fired, death struggles and artistic blood splatters. The news shows usually don’t show the women screaming, but they provide the same murder porn in the form of spoken word productions instead of dramas.
I have tried without success to work out the answer to the “Media violence: threat or menace?” debate. It always stumps me how few people doubt that immersion in a foreign language is a great way to teach the language, yet many, many people insist that 24/7 immersion in graphic violence has no psychological effect whatever. The question has become as polarized as politics, and an awful lot of money is made by supporting the latter view.
I do know that my son worked as a PA on one of the true crime shows and day after day of gruesome effects and re-created murders messed up his sleep and left him deeply depressed for a couple of months afterward. Make of it what you will.