Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/13/a-wikipedia-for-roads.html
Tourism? When does a road become a state’s Bottomless Pit attraction?
If it weren’t for road reporting we’d never know of such local oddities such as gravity hills like the one in Burkittsville , Md.
I’d like to point out that it’s for US North American roads only. A similar project has existed in the UK for ages (because of interminable arguments about notability and sources)
ETA: it wasn’t forked from Wiki - although Wikipedia likes to use it as a source (often uncredited)
Vaguely related (but really interesting).
There’s OpenRailwayMap, a fork off of open street map that shows railway lines and infrastructure:
I wonder what make all the entries by British train enthusiasts more noteworty.
The UK version is SABRE.
It’s where I found out that the UK is actually part of the pan-European road network, but pretends it’s not by never adding the European road designation to signs.
eg route E30 crosses Ireland, lands in the UK in Fishguard, crosses south Wales as the A40 and A48, turns into the M4 near Cardiff, goes round the M25 to avoid London for a bit then hits a couple of A roads until Felixstow and it’s ferry terminals. It then keeps crossing the continent via the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Belerus and Russia, finally ending at the border with Kazakhstan.
On the European sections you’ll see an “E30” designation next to the local road number, but the UK has never bothered (quelle surprise).
I know I am part of a special interest group, but maybe someone else here is as well, so: do you know if for your country (or any other) data on the transport verges can be found? Germany, for one, has a annoying habit of keeping everyone in the dark who owns land, including the information on land which is owned by the states or the federal state. Which means noone even knows, e.g., how much land the transport sector is managing. Or how much land besides the actual surface used up by transport is available for other or rather additional use cases. Think, e.g., photovoltaics near the Autobahn. Or think wooded area, for carbon storage. Or anything.
What about other countries? Does anyone know about national data somewhere?
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