A world of three cultures: honor, achievement, and joy

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/24/a-world-of-three-cultures-honor-achievement-and-joy.html


Me? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, really.


Death before dishonor! Beer before breakfast!


… i.e. “this is likely woo and/or bullshit” :thinking:


“It may seem simplistic, or even obvious, to break all of the world’s cultures into three prototypes.“

Simplistic. But you can squeeze complexity into just two categories if you ignore things; so a marginal improvement?

The Myers Briggs of cultures.


That is uncharitable. Sounds like Basáñez’s model is built on the data from Inglehart’s 1993 World Values Survey, which is a thing. Various people have analysed that data set and usually get two-dimensional maps (factor solutions), though what dimensions you use to interpret each map depends on how you rotate it. Inglehart preferred a finer-grained arrrangement of cultures into more than three clusters.

The concern is that factor analysis is a great example of GIGO. What comes out the end of the sausage machine depends on what data you throw into the hopper. If you select particular questions to ask people (and if you select the right sample of people to ask), you can be sure that factor analysis will give particular results. It is a wonderful tool for pulling rabbits out of the hat of “objective, unquestionable finding”, where the rabbit is the researcher’s preconceived conclusion.

Some links to Basáñez’s earlier work would have been nice.


I’d honor it more if it threw on PhDs, LPs, IT certifications, management certs…level foreman? From the outset it’s like yeah, Earth, Sea, Earthsea, sure but honor has honor killings etc. Sure, I need him plotting out the extents of plural, liberal, reported, representative Arabic society; how to answer forms on the Internet; and opsec for reporting, let him win a p0wnie.


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