Abigail Disney and other Patriotic Millionaires stand outside Capitol with message: "Tax us!" (video)

A few million from nice folk will not fix the problem. Systemic reform will.


Youre Wrong John C Mcginley GIF

This group puts its money behind actual change, which you would know if you actually read the thread.


As millionaires, they seem a wee bit conservative on spending for change.

For comparison:

The National Association of Realtors tallied $22.2 million between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31, according to newly filed disclosure reports. That’s double what the organization spent in the third quarter on lobbying activities. The Business Roundtable spent $17.3 million in the fourth quarter, nearly quadruple the amount over the three previous months, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce reported spending $16.8 million, a $3.7 million increase.

Money talks when it comes to money.


It’s hardly surprising that mere millionaires would be spending orders of magnitude less on lobbying than billionaires do.


This isn’t an article about Trump or anyone associated with him. It’s an article about people demonstrating and lobbying for the exact opposite of the things he and his ilk stand for. Move on already.


These are not anti-elitists (AKA populists). They’re merry class traitors who have some perspective and understand that there’s such a thing as enough money. It’s a refreshing contrast with the usual kind of rhetoric we hear from most of billionaires – especially from those who are willing to enable right-wing populists (AKA fascists) to ensure their tax cuts.

And speaking of what happens when wealthy “free”-market fundies and Libertarian bamboozlers back fascist politicians instead of supporting economic equity, you should know better given your country’s history.


Well bully for you. I suppose Chile is the epitome of learning and has never had difficult or harmful political leadership.

Don’t paint an entire country full of billions of people as one monolithic entity.


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Facts matter. What Trump actually DID in office matters. :woman_shrugging:

Additionally, these people aren’t just making empty promises and cosplaying at being working class (like Trump and many of his most ardent followers), but are advocating for specific policies that are shown to decrease inequality.

You may not believe that facts matter in this postmodern landscape, but they very much do. Those are the facts in this case. So perhaps it’s you who lacks some perspective here…


Thank goodness someone other than Joe Biden is against trickle down economics.

Trickle-down economics has never worked
It’s time to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out.
-Joe Biden @POTUS posted on Twitter

These people obviously agree. Tax the rich!

Abigail Disney has consistenly held the position that one should need to be a good investor to live off wealth, not just inherit so much wealth that your life goal is to not touch the principal.

The Gates’ wealth has increased significantly since they sold their stake in Microsoft (the bit that actually made something) and “promised to give almost all of it away”. Except the Gates’ Foundation is massively distorting international aid by pushing their monopolist views around the globe.


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