Ablism and Disablism

I don’t even know what to say.


Techbros: we don’t need anyone to accommodate your disability, we can fix you with technology! Let us fix you with technology! Please stand here and smile for our marketing to show everyone how we fixed you with technology!

Also Techbros: Sorry dude, that’s, what, three years old? That’s, like, an antique now. We’re not touching it. You need an upgrade. Cash on the table.

Also Techbros: “Repair”? What do you mean? Of course we won’t— oh, you mean you repair it? Good god no, that’s all proprietary technology and if anyone else touches it we’ll sue them and we’ll sue you and you can see how much your disability impairs you when your family’s broke and you’re in jail. What? No, when we said “obsolete”, we meant to us. Nobody else is allowed to look at it sideways until (checks notes) some time next century.