Ads, ethics, and subscriptions revisited

Maybe it is because I’m older and grew up with basically all entertainment media ad-supported, but I have no problem with the BB Store ads. We’re not forced to buy the product or even look at the ad, and sometimes the product leads to an interesting discussion. (For example, I’d never heard of the silverpoint pencils until this thread.)

Like others here I’d also be comfortable with payment for the site (I also subscribe to two newspapers and to local public radio), but I think there are many regular posters who wouldn’t, either because they can’t afford to or because they object to that model. I’m not sure I’m willing to subsidize their participation. (Maybe if you only get flagging rights if you donate, but I expect that would immediately come under fire as well.)

Mammoth skyscrapers of stone thundering across the earth!
Here’s the place where they mine the lead: