Adventures in Pain Mangement: a TENS unit really helps

Thanks for the incredulity. Belongs on the smiley chart, maybe as ‘I feel no relative pain, but on the rainbow code chart it’s a 4-7 of bitterness and agony at 3bpm?’) If it weren’t best practices, it wouldn’t be so diverse. The dial doesn’t itself contain the log^a(n) response curve until the break-in curve comes 'round, after all. (Except iTunes, where perhaps it’s the tolerance for error dials 'round?)

It belongs in the yes bin with ‘bah, you can’t suddenly leak CSF out through unpaired peripheral nerves’ and ‘no, being upside down can’t do that to a kid,’ and ‘it clots very strongly so no blood ever gets in CSF.’ It’s a tough image seeing oneself as coming from both artfully folded lamella and angrily constructed periodic rag buildup on an inconstant visual meniscus.

And that is how I excuse myself from going to most showings of Allyson Bechdel’s plays?


…tempted to chaw a storyline about the Tensor Machine Cataclysm and the cosmic back. You must matriculate the switch of rosemary of The Back’s Original Complaint! Enter the horrible venue of acquisition and bill for the treatment you wish to become, etc. etc.


Wow, that took a while to unpack, but thanks!

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