The spices in the King Oscar Mediterranean style creates a unique flavor than their regular olive oil product. Still, I want to try Matiz to compare. I miss the seafood in Spain and Portugal.
I strongly recommend Nuri (Portugal) at least for comparison. They come in 4 different ways. Excellent.
Lots of different canned fish here, many from Asian companies. I like the sardines lightly smoked in oil, in tomato sauce or mustard, or tomato sauce with a bit of chili. I also have (rummages around) smoked oysters, smoked clams, and tinned salmon, and sometimes fish steaks. If I’m feeling jaunty, I can get canned crab (both lump and paste), wahoo, yellowfin tuna, prawns, and abalone. Of course, many many different varieties of canned tuna.
For some reason, the cats always find it relevant to their interests when I open a can.
One more thing, YES! to marinated herring. I have an old family recipe for something called herring salad, with pickled herring, beets, walnuts, and boiled potato, rather like a Scandinavian potato salad. The beets turn it a festive magenta color; we used to eat it around Christmas.
Sardines are awesome, my mom makes a really great sardine spread. I can never make it as good as she does
I loves me some good sardines! For those like me, who usually dump out the packing oil or sauce, try this trick I learned at the linked Reddit site. Emulsify those sauces! They were once emulsified to blend the oils, acids and herbs, but they have separated and gone tired and dull in the can. Draining the juice into a small glass and doing a quick whisk, by hand or with a frother (I’m sorry, don’t know what else to call it) will put it back into emulsion, aerate it, and bring that sauce back to life! It’s a wonder!
Good suggestion!
A few months ago I realized that I could get cheap canned sardines and tuna at the local Grocery Outlet for a fraction of the price of those fancy “mix-ins” pet stores sell to make dry dog food more appealing and my murderbeasts have been living it up ever since. Of course now I’ve got two dogs that are too spoiled to eat plain kibble anymore…
Fun fact: it used to be known as Pilchardia!
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