America prisons are doubling up solitary confinement cells, turning them into murder-boxes

What the miserable, insane, and utterly repugnant FUCK.


Can you imagine anything more sci-fi than a penal system which punishes not by limiting freedom, or hard labor, but by making you insane?

And then when they succeed and you go crazy, you get punished more for being crazy?

You can’t write this shit. Well, Orwell did…


I see nothing in your statement but a boon for dictionary publishers everywhere and all the schools and libraries with free dictionaries when all is said and done.


Prisons aren’t about crime. They’re a place to put people other people don’t want around.

It was wrong to just kill them, or torture them… Argued a bunch of religious types… We should give them a chance to find peace with God. It was nice. But it wasn’t meant to rehabilitate anyone. It’s not a fix. Something else has to do to. God or someone who gives a fuck about humans.

But now… It’s mostly political prisoners. People who violated laws put in place for entirely political reasons.

Are people made criminals by circumstance? I think so. Some. I think some people are monsters. I think monsters are made, not born. And I think that they only become monsters because their circumstances were monstrous.

So… these prisons? We can just close them.

It’ll be shitty in the short term, but better in the long term.

Or bring back the good old days of public execution and public torture! At least it’s over faster. At least we aren’t cruelly locking murders up with other murderers.

Or maybe gladiatorial arenas. There’s glory in the arena. It’s a connection to society at least. People have a function. Plus the tax dollars! How much would the world pay to see criminals rip eachother apart.

Maybe we could feed the homeless population of the United States. Not the shitty ones. Fuck them. Those kids.

The working ones. The 44% of Americans with jobs but no homes. Them and… Maybe their kids.

Or maybe Trump has a better solution.

Because this? This is fucking insanity. Lock any one of us up in a teeny closet with someone else and shit goes bad, and fast. Do it for a while… With shit going bad, and we will all end up traumatized and crazy.

One will kill the other. Every fucking time.

I’m not calling people animals. People ARE animals. None of us are not.

Look… It’s so fucking simple a five year old could get it.

But the best case scenario for these particular animals is they get out. And return to the rest of the animals.

What happens?

We all know how this story ends…

So this is obviously the worst solution ever. Unless you are willfully trying to fuck up humanity…

Or make people need you… Hmm.


I don’t even want to joke about this. It’s that bad.

I joke about human cannibalism.


A modest proposal, perhaps?


So what is the point of prison anyway? I guess the idea is the harsher the crime the harsher the punishment, and that will act as a deterrent. Clearly that doesn’t work, as the “land of the free” has one of the highest percentages of its population in prison.

I assume we want prisoners who have served their time to re-enter society as productive citizens, but instead we get guys who are unemployable and desperate, because honest rehabilitation means counseling and employment training, and people think that’s like a “reward” for crime.

In the case of the dual-solitary confinement, it’s like a steel-cage death match (“duel-solitary”-- ha ha) as if the prison system is trying to find a way to implement the death penalty for prisoners they’d rather not deal with anymore. If it were a hunger strike it would look bad, but if they murder each other, well. . . what did you expect of criminals, right?

That which ye do unto the least of these, my brethren. . . .


If it’s just for that… If that’s all they’re doing. Showing people the first rule… Then just do that. Efficiently and with the least drawn out suffering possible. Or… Make a big fucking todo about it. Trump it the fuck up. No one executes someone like Trump, I bet.

This is just… Some fucking The Cube like horror story where no one has responsibility and no one has any clue how it got there and it’s just a machine built to purposelessly kill people? Destroy people? Drive them mad? What?! Why?

For money?! Gladiators make money. Make them fair trade sacrifices to God money then… Better than there being The Cube you can get sent to cause… the cop wants your stuff. Or the cop gets all twitchy and shoots you but you live so they make something up. And you go to the accidental machine that destroys people completely.

I’m a fan of populist histories. I have no real interest in what kings did what, to whom, or when… Except as a reference to a timeline. It’s a different perspective. How people lived is the most relatable.

Foxfire… A magazine written by Appalachian High Schoolers about stories from their parents life. Growing up in the Appalachian mountains in 1900.

That was a far better quality of life than the poor have now. Those people are people in poverty with things.

We have people in poverty without anything. At all.
No way out. And no fucking nature to fall back on…

I’d rather live off cattail soup and live in a lean to and wake with the sun and tell stories around a fire and get eaten by a bear… Then end up hungry and homeless and on the street. My kid gets sick. I shoplift medicine, get caught, go to jail… My kids put in an orphanage. Everyone gets dehumanized. Goes into the fucking machines that destroy people.

I wanna see a Canadian Prison drama… Oh wait. I have!

Little apartments with people who felt bad about what they had done and missed life.

We have secret drugged out zombies in orange jumpsuits killing one another over who gets to stand up.

Who would you wanna have a beer with when they get out?

Oh… And the TL;dr of London hanged was 90% of the criminals just were unlucky in life… wars destoryed their homes… and they end up stealing a pie or some shit and were hung. Someone decided they could interview them beforehand for cautionary tales to teach others.


The Hunger Games was more humane.

For fucks sake.

That had drama.

Also guards pick who gets put in solitary with who… I bet that’s a currency in prison now.


Huh… Could Obama pardon some percentage of the 81% of people in prison convicted of a non violent crime? Meaning a crime that didn’t violate anyone elses rights? Just some political statutory bullshit?

Make room for people to not have to kill other people?


The folks who support these kinds of punitive measures know there are only two amendments…the 2nd and the 1st, in that order, and the 1st only exists to support lobbying for the 2nd.


I’m repeating myself:

“You can judge a society by how well it treats its prisoners”

  • Dostoyevsky

… and right now, it’s not looking favourable.


Nice to hear this particular advocacy group. I hadn’t thought much about the overlapping interests between guards and prisoners, as their interests are always presented as almost cartoonishly opposed “Those ones want to get out, and those ones want to keep them in.” or “Those ones want order and those ones want chaos.” But in reality the overlap of “Most people in this no-no box actually just want to get through the day safely and as comfortably as possible.”

Of course, when horrible, dangerous and anger-and-frustration-inducing conditions on both sides increase pressure, both act out in their own interests at the expense of the other. In the end, though both truly benefit from better, and more therapeutic conditions. If not for the prisoners, you’d think the eye-for-an-eye* voter bloc could at least get behind improving conditions for the guards.

*hmmm, actually one eye isn’t going to do it for me, can I have both? how much would that be? hmmm, throw in an ear. both ears…ok, you know what, throw in the whole head, I’ll just throw out what I don’t use. Thanks!


Oh, you want to skip 20th century humanitarian standards and move right into the 21st? Great!


Why does so much of America seem designed to bring out the absolute worst in humanity?

It’s a wonder (for which bafflement I’m truly grateful) that so many beautiful manifestations of humanity spring from that same soil…


This post reminds me of the Last Week Tonight episode that talked about prisons, and how badly prisoners are treated once they get out too. I have no idea if it’s any better up here in Canada, but basically putting your people in these shitty type sof situations, and then making it nearly impossible for them to reintigrate when they’re released, so they just end up back in the same shitty situations is criminal in and of itself imo.

This is really sad. Really really sad. How humans can treat other humans this way… is beyond my comprehension :disappointed:


Depends on what you’re basing your expectations off of.

Are you expecting society to produce people who are better educated about mental health so that once people get hired to work for a prison they are able to deal with these issues?
Or are you expecting prisons to take on selecting the right people and further training them on how to deal with mental health issues?

*This is a snark free post, any similarities to a snarky response are attributable to Poe’s law


Aww c’mon now if you’re going to feed the criminals to the poor you may as well include all the poor yo.


Obama’s actions would be limited to those convicted of Federal crimes. It would be a start, but it would be only a start. There are a lot of people languishing in in State dungeons too.


Homeless children? Are you sure we can’t just call some of them the “good ones”?