America: where rising productivity means longer working hours

This nurse is one of those people with a hostile attribution bias toward people and any new information she hears. She’s perennially pessimistic. She’s poo-pooed other things such as a local business paying bonuses to staff for each day they cycle to work (apparently this was discriminatory to people with disabilities - none of whom work for the business) and about us buying an electric car (she thinks they’re useless unless they can go the same distance on one charge that she can go with a tank of petrol).


I really agree with your comment. My husband did 9 weeks at home with me with our first baby. A few weeks in someone visiting us commented that raising a newborn was a full time job. My husband replied that it was in fact a full time job for two people. I’ve always remembered that. He also dropped down his work hours to four days a week so has had the child for a day a week since the age of one, so he knows how tedious and aggravating childcare can often be.


That’s the general version. The labor version is over time.

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I work at the beast of a machine that is Amazon, I work their only 12 hour shift that is only nights for 36 hours a week, I’ve been working what is suppose to be two different roles for the majority of 5 months, the building opened up last year so they’ll are still working through some stuff, ever since they started yo change things I have found myself having to punch in early or it would take up roughly an hour that I’m suppose to be working just to set up all the crap I need on the laptop I use to walk the floor, I’m at their entry level rank within the caste system they have basically, grunt level if you will, but I got away with working a logistic position because the higher ups let it happen

I was told that I’m not suppose to “work” more than 12 hours, but HR hasn’t said anything nor has my direct manager, my manager is getting promoted and helping open up another building, so me punching in early completely flies, and this is the culture

It saddens me that so many people don’t understand “because you want your bus number to be greater than one, and to know that this is so.”

I worried about this when I took my current job (6 years ago) at a company that has a similar policy. In my case, I was pleasantly surprised that my managers, at least, actively encourage people to take enough vacation and not do work while away. Teams are small, so if you take more than a full week at once more than once a year you’ll raise eyebrows, but 1-2 days at a time really is effectively unlimited. Very good by American standards, still crap by European standards. They’re still crappy in regards to parental leave, though, from what I hear.


I always save my vacation time to use after the layoffs…

I was in the meeting when the change in PTO policy from accrued vacation time to unlimited was introduced specifically as a cost-saving measure. In theory, unlimited vacation sounds great but in practice, like you found, it takes a benevolent manager to make sure people can actually take advantage of it when they want and it means the company owes you diddly-squat when you leave or are terminated.

The fact that unlimited PTO is spun as an employee benefit is disturbing - kind of like how defined pension plans being replaced by 401k were hyped as “employee choice”.

These types of changes sounds good on the surface but it’s important to always apply the Cui bono? (who benefits) test.


Exactly. There is a very large tech company near here that has a policy of “infinite” vacation days. If you want to take time off, you just take it. There’s no limit. But they also have a very competitive internal culture. So most people take only a few days all year, instead of >2 weeks if they had a set number of days. And, yes, they have cyclical layoff/hiring patterns regularly.


It’s pretty much the same in the UK. There are the working time regulations but the employee can (entirely voluntarily of course) opt out and for employees above a certain level of responsibility there’s the get-out clause of saying that your role is one where you can be required to work any hours at any time of day or night as the role requires.

It’s one of those situations where ironically the more ‘status’ your job comes with, the less rights you have over your hours.

Theoretically on the basis that you have more control over your hours than say a factory worker doing shifts but in practice of course, you have to do the work given to you. Whether you voluntarily choose to do that between 6am and 9pm and over the weekend is of course up to you…

There does tend to be rather more money of course which is why people put up with it.

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Amazon’s culture is legendarily exploitative at all levels.

I drive by one of their fulfillment centers on my way to my own job. I see Amazon employees walking to work because they can’t afford cars; I’m waiting for Amazon to figure out that’s a public image problem and fire everybody who isn’t on the bus route. :frowning:

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Yeah since I’m still working on the education, my money goes towards tuition over a lease on a car, so I get driven there, i live between 20 to 30 mins away depending on traffic right, sometimes I just want my ma to keep driving

I applied to get a promotion, I’m still waiting on the interview or a straight decline
Anyway, Prime Day is between 15 & 22, so for those that have a membership on here and are reading through, now you know lol (I’m sure that was against company policy but ssssshhhhh you did not here it from me :shushing_face: )


Not quite all levels. Jeff is doing fine.

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If I were at a job like that, I’d take lots of “sick leave”. And have. What better time to do it than with unemployment at 3.8%

I’ve heard rumors that people have actually died inside the FC, some outside due to it being the night shift and you’re more or less a robot for 12 hours

Here’s some more relevant numbers:

That isn’t how much they stole; thats just how much they paid in fines. The total stolen is vastly larger.

The linked report is worth a look.

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Take this:

Combine with this:

…and the basic story is that they are literally demanding that the working class labour until they die.


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