Animated bar chart of the most popular social media networks from 2003 - 2018

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I like the dramatic music.

2 questions. youtube is social media? also, what the heck is wechat?

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Uh yeah, and I also remember how they auto-generated buzz accounts for every gmail user, and I remember freaking out that all my information was suddenly pinned to my location on Google maps. I guess that’s one way to look “popular” for a minute…

Well, that was pre-monopolization. That churn is healthy, and can and should be sustained by anti-trust legislation. Don’t you worry, social networks won’t “rest on their laurels” until they’ve destroyed that idea completely…


What, no sixdegrees?

Yeah. Came to say the same. I always thought it was a video hosting platform. I guess that makes me officially old (and means I can no longer claim to never use any of the predominant social networks).


Im trying to explain to myself why i differentiate youtube from instagram… they both allow you to post media, have people comment and follow individuals… youtube just doesn’t feel social to me in the same way though. The only people I “follow” on youtube are creators who post highly edited and curated content. not like, my aunt posting about her lunch or whatever.

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Not using any of them, I don’t know, but perhaps the difference is between ‘followers’ and ‘subscribers’?


Chinese chat app, mostly used in China as it squirts everything to the censors.

Dude, I am totally following your aunt right now, she’s awesome!


I wonder where NextDoor falls? I’ve never looked at it, but get a lot of invites from neighbors that I’d rather not interact with. I assume it’s the GIANT BUTTON FLIP PHONE equivalent of Facebook.

Yes. People leave comments and creators can interact with their fans through it. You can follow others and have them follow you. You can share content.

If you’re asking, then you’re not the target audience.

Delete Facebook has really worked.

And Bob’s @Jim_Campbell’s uncle.

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And a payment platform. In the major cities it’s easier to pay through the wechat app than with cash.

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