Anita Sarkeesian cancels Utah campus appearance after threats of a "Montreal-style massacre"

“probably” ??? your stupid argument makes no one feel safer.

As far as I understand, it supposedly was originally about integrity in videogame journalism. That in itself is a subject I find it hard to care for a whole lot, but if that´s what keeps someone up at night they should go ahead and do something about it. And apparently the whole “movement” was quickly hijacked by a bunch of nutcases and is i.m.o. clearly beyond redemption by now.


But what about the good guy with the gun? Wouldn’t he protect the innocent people?

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Because of the propensity of gun enthusiasts & others to turn any conversation involving any aspect of firearms + anything else to a conversation about any aspect of firearms exclusive to anything else.

It isn’t about keeping firearms out of the conversation, it’s about keeping any other subject in it.

Also there is a sub-thread feature, so it’s perfectly fucking fair too.

edit- I know I should either create a sub-sub-thread to discuss firearms and BB forum policy, but it would too soon turn to only a firearms discussion, so I think I should skip ahead and get a sub-sub-sub0thread going, or make some mention of the primary topic of -this- thread. I’ll do the latter. Anita shoulda laid down some cover fire.


Exactly that. Several points in one move - demonstrate no willingness to be threatened away, show demonstration of strength by accepting the threat and preparing adequately, and so on.

Kevlar burqa may not be the best to speak from within; while facial expressions do nothing for me, they do for most people and should be at least somewhat accessible. Helmet, ballistic-rated goggles, vest, maybe lexan shield, that would provide the best combination of ballistic protection and show with least impairment of mobility.

On a flip side it may provoke the one issuing the threats (assuming a single person or a tiny sockpuppet-amplified group) to issuing more threats - and, because even a flip side has a flip side, leaving more forensic breadcrumbs to be tracked down and dealt with.


That would require them to actually formulate a clear stance and support it. The way things are now, any time GamerGate accusations are debunked or addressed, they can claim that “that wasn’t really the problem anyways” and fumble around for the next conspiracy theory to throw against the wall. And they can keep spreading the debunked accusations, so the opposition’s time is wasted in dealing with things that have already been proven false.

It’s sort of the Gish Gallop school of argument, with death threats on the side.


You have a far better grasp on the situation than Kevin_Harrelson does.

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my point was NOT intended to be about open carry laws (pro or con), but about the predictable media storm over stating that as the final reason. just say too little time, too much money, etc., and go on with your day.

Because gun control debate invariably consumes every thread it touches with endless rounds of “does not/does too,” thus my “THIS THREAD IS NOW ABOUT GUN CONTROL” joke earlier. Moving those posts somewhere else (not censoring or prohibiting them) lets us talk about gun control and also talk about other things.


The threat was of a ‘Montreal-style’ massacre, though. If you’re not familiar with that event, fourteen random women were killed. Sarkeesian could have turned up in body armour, but that would just have made every other woman at the venue a target.


The whole movement was BEGUN by a bunch of threat-dealing misogynists. It was never anything else. It was never a legitimate movement; the “movement” was cover for the agenda of intimidating women.


Kevlar vests, etc. may work when the threat is against one speaker, but not when the threat is also against the audience.

this made me think of this:

[quote]We thought that was just talk, but then we heard it was actually true. So, we began checking this out and the women who had booked the hall for us said, “Yes! These people are real and you guys had better do something about this because they’re serious!”

We did, in fact, go to Seattle, but we went as probably the only women’s music tour that was ever done with serious muscle security. They were very alert for weapons and, in fact, Gorgons did come and they did have guns taken away from them.[/quote]


Kinda surprised that she bailed. Sorta. Let’s be realistic. Most threats are empty. What are the percentage of bomb scares etc that actually pan out to be real? I am guessing a very small number. I guess better safe than sorry.

would you gamble with your life?


With a choice to accept a risk and show up anyway in defiance to the threat, of which they should be made aware. Optimally with live streaming, to give the ones who choose otherwise to watch from guaranteed safety in real time.

[quote=“cameronh1403, post:61, topic:43057, full:true”]
But what about the good guy with the gun? Wouldn’t he protect the innocent people?
[/quote]Most likely, yes.

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Even though there’s a good chance it’s an empty threat, I don’t think many people, put in her position, would go through with their talk. Including most of those who from the comfort of their homes are saying they’d damn well do it, hell yeah.

What’s weird is the school’s non-response to the threat.

Meanwhile, somewhere in America, a school is on lockdown over a toy gun, a pen knife, or a plastic sword.

Meanwhile, somewhere in America, a family is experiencing a SWAT raid because somebody caught a whiff of weed.

Meanwhile, all over the world, air travellers are removing their belts, watches, shoes, jackets, etc. to rule out minuscule terrorist threats.

…and various other hugely disproportionate police/government responses to situations where the threat to public safety and human life ranges from very low to zero. But threaten an individual and a whole campus in writing? Well in that case you haven’t actually done anything YET, have you?!


[citation needed]


The funny thing is that, if this scenario were to be played out in a video game, she would have shown up wearing a kevlar bikini and bra, and not much else. Google “video game woman armor” if you don’t believe me.