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I agree that it represents misogyny and hate. But I don’t find anything persuasive about it. IMO they seem to be preaching to the converted, a fairly insular crowd.

… which leads to an inevitable attempt to create in me a feeling of frustration that will drag me into responding.

Do you think misogny isn’t persuasive in society as a whole or something? I even mentioned Elevatorgate. And the shit happening in the Skeptic and Atheist communities. Which is all VERY SIMILAR to what’s going on with gamergate (involving different yet sometimes the same people…). And the fact that my reproductive rights are being challanaged at even the most basic levils like birth control access. And Texas. And etc. I could go on…

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I honestly have no idea what that sentence even meant. Who is following you and writing screeds? I am? On a BoingBoing BBS? Someone else, somewhere else? What do you mean you think you’re reading them…? Who?! Me? Someone else? What do you mean by “reading”?! I have no fucking idea what you’re even talking about.

You might be interested in this article on civility in academia, as it directly addresses the notion of civility and rationalism in public discourse, and how that can be problematic:


…So you view Zoé Post as a death threat?

As for ElevatorGate, I looked it up and It seems that it may have something to do with the Criticism and Skepticism that been currently plagues modern day feminism; but this is due to Ignorance and Overreactions that plague the Internet and Society as a whole. Same could be said about Gamergate; they have good Intentions especially when it comes to the indie game community, but the ignorant masses keep on bullying what they conceive to be guilty of “treason” (which once again, is true for any group).

Like I said, I don’t condemn GamerGate as a hate group because they brought up some good point about collusion, and that open my eyes to cronyism within society (especially between Industries and Governments); but I don’t support the action of the paranoid harassers that dominates it.

I think that there are less and less people who espouse and live with misogynistic attitudes. But that as society changes, the die-hards get more vocal and more obnoxious about it. It seems to me that they are quite ineffective at persuading anybody who didn’t already share their outlook. Sure, it’s still a greater population than we’d like, but I think it is shrinking.

And there is the random Capatilization of Words and square Quotes about a Subject you even admit you don’t really undrestand. Seriously? Your’e Going to try to ‘splain’ to me about Elevator gate after one Cursory google? No.

oh okay. but how is this even relevant?

And you didn’t even answer my question, you just talked vaguley around it

yeah it’s puersuasive both in the gaming community and in society as a whole.

I hope you’re right… I’d like you to be right. But it still seems pervasive to me. I think if it’s now some sort of vocal minority, we should still be vigilant, but given the political realities of our day, that’s actually all it takes to make political change.

I’ll also point out the quickly eroding landscape around abortion. Laws are being passed curtailing a woman’s right to control the health and well-being of her body. There are some states where abortions have been all but banned due to laws aimed at tighter regulations for abortion clinics, impacting poor women seeking not only abortions, but proper reproductive health care.


I could tell you that people overreacts over just about anything in a destructive manner.

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According to whom? You? And regarding to what? And how does this relate to Gamergate? Why do you think your opinions on this subject even matter? You admit to ignorance. Yet…here you are. ‘splaining’. And a man. Why. That’s so unusual!

Yes, you would. But from what we can see, you would be wrong.


I’ve been reading about the concept of “reciprocal roles.” Interactions with other people must be directed into narrow channels, other people must fill strictly defined roles, and the result is that we end up talking at people rather than actually engaging them. Failure to obey these rules can provoke a violent reaction - just try wise-cracking with an angry authoritarian and see what happens. Dependence on reciprocal roles is especially striking in people who are convinced that they have freed themselves from society’s roles and authoritarian habits. (Edit) And on-line we often see the attitude of “How dare you not persecute me?” which is a demand that someone else take the role of the “persecutory object.”


What is Elevator gate? What is going on in the Skeptic and Atheist communities? Can you put this into context?

I’ll answer that for yah.

I know this one! A woman, Rebecca Watson, giving a speech at a skeptic’s convention about gender inequality and sexual harassment in the community was then subject to what she felt was harassment in the elevator after. Richard Dawkins got involved on the ensuing twitter storm telling her to shut up and be grateful she wasn’t a Muslim women who face “real problems”, not like women at skeptic conventions. This was a couple of years ago.

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Ah, yes, I know that story; didn’t know it had an upper case Gate name. Thank you.

If context is for the weak, count me amongst the less-strong (at least in a discussion of Serious Things).

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No, context is always critical. It’s not for the weak, as you need to context of anything to fully understand it.

Also, I didn’t realize it had been “gated” either, but I when I saw it, I guess immediately what is must refer to because of the context of the ongoing conversation here.

I actually thought it was in reference to that football player punching his fiancé in the elevator thing, and beyond misogyny/domestic violence didn’t see how it for in. I wasn’t aware that Dawkins had apologized for his article, but I still think he’s a problematic Ass.

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