Apple engineers quietly discuss refusing to create the FBI's backdoor

So the FBI’s end game is to remove Apple’s ability to create any more iPhones at all.

For them it’s a win/win. Either they get the backdoor of their fascist dreams. Or, they prevent those terrist-lovers at Apple from producing any more secure, non-backdoorable products.

As a bonus, they establish a business-busting precedent that will keep the other wavering companies in line.

How the fuck is Obama letting this happen?


Oh heavens, no. Look forward to the iPatriot 6, coming to hip and trendy electronics stores near you soon!

Instead of the engineers walking, couldn’t Apple themselves push their security engineers out the door and into a separate, sub-contracted company, in order to create a chinese wall?

Apple: “I see, you want us to write some code which we don’t think is a good idea but you have a warrant so we have to? Ok, alright then. Oh, wait. We’re so sorry, but we let all our security engineers go last week. We simply don’t have anyone left who could do this, except maybe the lawn mower guy … but really he can only play tetris and, just quietly; he’s not even very good at that.”

Beating the FBI outright in court would be better, but failing that some legal kungfu might be the order of the day that lets Apple and the engineers refuse whilst allowing Apple to remain competitive.

Yup. I assume the work is probably something they can do themselves. They just want the legal precedent.

Certainly I would have great respect for an Apple programmer who refused to create such back-door code, and I can’t be unusual. I have to believe that in three or four years, when the Supreme Court finally decides this case (because Apple has LOTS of cash for lawyers, and you don’t hire Ted Olsen, former Solicitor General of the United States, unless you’re planning to take the case to the Supreme Court) that the issue will become largely moot.

At worst, Apple could outsource the iPhone security development to an offshore contractor in the Cayman Islands. (If YOU were an Apple developer, and YOU had the chance to work for a brand-new security company in the Caymans, would you go? I thought so!) Transfer all the documents and existing code to the contractor, and then have a Hillary/IRS inspired “hard drive failure” that eliminated any copies of the code here in the USA… I’m not sure that the FBI would be able to subpoena the code on order to subvert Apple’s phones.

I’m a PC guy with an Android Nexus6 phone, but I just may have to buy an iPad just to show some support to Apple.

petzl asks: “How the fuck is Obama letting this happen?”

That’s easy; Obama is a communist, and always has been. EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER DONE has been devoted to eliminating the United States or reducing any American influence from the world. For Obama, this has been a golden opportunity. And as Rahm Emmanuel has often said, never let a good crisis go to waste.

A lot has changed in the 35 years since your experience base.

I strongly recommend reading the iOS Security Guide to learn why nothing you’ve suggested is actually possible with iOS devices.

Finally, there is no feasible method to decrypt data encrypted with a securely generated AES 256 key using brute force.

By any standard where Obama is a communist, so is most of the Republican Party. Even Ronald Reagan is somewhere to the left of Obama. Granted, today’s Republican Party would tar and feather Reagan as a lib’rul RINO.

EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER DONE has been devoted to eliminating the United States or reducing any American influence from the world.

You sound like the right-wingnuts who claimed before Bill Clinton was elected, that he’d tax-and-spend until he bankrupted the government. And then made the same claim all through his presidency. And then kept repeating it AFTER his presidency - ignoring the fact that he was BY FAR the more fiscally conservative than Reagan, Bush I or Bush II.

When Obama was elected Republicans went from claiming that he’d go on a “world apology tour” to claiming that he did go on a “world apology tour”… without Obama ever making an apology. We’re near the end of his two terms, and he’s yet to do what you claim.

Folks like you whine about how Iraq turned out even though it was a Republican administration that created the mess AND committed the US to a full withdrawal. You whine about his treatment of Iran even though it mirrors the previous administration’s policy.

I’m no fan of his administration but it’s damn hard to find any policy to criticize that wasn’t also Republican policy. That includes his surveillance policies.


Whew! Tough to know where to start in a proper Fisking of THIS malarkey. As a fairly libertarian conservative, I have no great love for the Republican Party, but even compared to Shrub, Obama is pretty communist. He started his first congressional campaign in the living room of Bill Ayers, a communist “Weatherman” bomber who has never denied being a communist.

Obama DID go on a “world apology tour” in which he apologized to China, to the Saudi king, and to Japan. Photos of him bowing pretty low to both the Japanese emperor and the king of Saudi Arabia were pretty well distributed; if you haven’t seen them, then your Google skills must be quite lacking.

His statements that “You didn’t build that!”, “At some point, you’ve made enough money”, and “spread the wealth around” are clearly rooted in communist tradition.

His disgust with basic democratic processes, preferring to govern by executive action with “a pen and a phone”, are well known.

The invasion of Iraq was a proper quagmire, and I said it was a terrible idea before we did it, but by the end of 2007, the place had pretty well quieted down; Petreus and the “Surge” mostly did the job. Obama announced that he was going to pull out, gave a timetable, and the Islamists scheduled their own moves to follow right along, as any sane person expected and predicted. Obama’s “Red Lines” on Syrian chemical weapons were another disaster, which has led to the current humanitarian nightmare in Syria and Europe.

You should read a little bit of history.


They already are.

This is about precedent, not capability.

Whew! Tough to know where to start in a proper Fisking of THIS malarkey. As a fairly libertarian conservative - just not a Fox News / Palin / Cruz / Huckabee pretend-conservative - I have no great love for either party, but even Reagan is pretty communist compared to Obama. (For example Reagan GREW government and put more of the economy under government control.)

He started his first congressional campaign in the living room of Bill Ayers

No, he didn’t. Ayers did hold a coffee for him in his living room - one of many such fundraisers by different people. Both worked in the same circles - The University of Chicago and community organizing in Chicago - so OF COURSE their paths crossed several times.

You could connect the dots to radicals and criminals in the same way for any major candidate for any party.

Obama DID go on a “world apology tour” in which he apologized to China, to the Saudi king, and to Japan.

No, he didn’t. Over the course of his Pesidency he’s issued the usual apologies that any President makes - like to Japan over the US being caught spying on Japanese politicians, or to Doctors without Borders for bombing one of their hospitals. But your “apology tour” fantasy never happened.

Again, it’s one of those Republican delusions where they went from constantly claiming would happen to claiming did happen, without it ever happening.

Photos of him bowing pretty low to both the Japanese emperor and the king of Saudi Arabia were pretty well distributed; if you haven’t seen them, then your Google skills must be quite lacking.

Likewise previous Republican Presidents bowing to other leaders. Pat Buchanan had a sanctimonious hissy fit on TV over this claim, and yet there he is in the background watching Nixon bow to a communist leader. Here he is bowing to another communist leader, Mao Zedong. Nixon also bowed to Japanese Emporer Hirohito. You know, the guy who ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor.

And that’s just on a quick Google search for one President.

His statements that “You didn’t build that!”, “At some point, you’ve made enough money”, and “spread the wealth around” are clearly rooted in communist tradition.

His statement that private businesses get the advantage of roads and bridges and other infrastructure without having built them, is absolutely true. And there’s nothing “communist” about pointing that out, not unless you want to declare America’s founding fathers and every other President since then to be communist also. None have taken a stand against taxes used to support infrastructure for the common good.

As for other statements, you can cherry-pick and misrepresent the same way from any other President. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Sounds pretty commie to me.

His disgust with basic democratic processes, preferring to govern by executive action with “a pen and a phone”, are well known.

Meanwhile back in reality, Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any President in over 100 years.

Likewise he’s vetoed fewer bills than of any President in 130 years. Since James Garfied, who was shot four months into office.

The invasion of Iraq was a proper quagmire, and I said it was a terrible idea before we did it, but by the end of 2007, the place had pretty well quieted down; Petreus and the “Surge” mostly did the job. Obama announced that he was going to pull out, gave a timetable,

Wrong. Bush II signed a deal with the Iraqi government - complete with timetable - to pull out. Before Obama was ever elected. Yes, things went to hell pretty quickly, but that was Bush II, Cheney and friends’ doing.

Obama’s “Red Lines” on Syrian chemical weapons were another disaster, which has led to the current humanitarian nightmare in Syria and Europe.

And this is just complete nonsense. And not that the Republicans had anything constructive to say. With Libya they were demanding that the US invade right up to when Obama took action. Then they switched to opposing action.

“Exercise a no-fly zone this evening.”

  • Newt Gingrich, 3/7/11

“I would not have intervened.”

  • Newt Gingrich, 3/23/11

With Syria they demanded Obama invade WHILE demanding that he stay out of it, WHILE demanding just about every other option simultaneously.

And again, this is a mess set up by the previous Republican administration. You should read a little bit of history.



Out of likes but …


Actually, what communists do is:

imprison and then shoot their political opposition
imprison and then shoot the rich
imprison and then shoot the middle class.

Obama doesn’t have much time left to establish his communist cred. He’d better start shooting…


For me the big laugh was Kenneth_Mitchell using bowing to an emperor and to a king as evidence that someone is a communist.

You should read a little bit of history.



I don’t know if they saw the book, but they may have watched the movie “The Bridge ON the River Kwai” < /pedantry>

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I think it also possible that the San Bernadino couple had already caught the attention of the FBI, and that they could have been engaged in a sting operation with the husband, the sort that seems to make up the majority of foiled terrorist plots in this country. Only, this time, via his association with Enrique Marquez, he was able to get his own weapons and explosives rather than the fake ones usually used in the stings, and that he jumped the gun instead of waiting for his FBI contact to spring the trap. Perhaps a snide comment from a co-worker made him push up his plot rather than wait. Given that the bombs didn’t explode, maybe they were fakes supplied as part of a sting, but augmented with real guns.

That would explain why the local FBI folks changed the password, to hide this screw-up from their higher-ups. Given that they have Marquez in custody, can subpoena GPS coordinates (phone GPS is generally derived from triangulating tower locations, not direct contact with satellite) and call metadata from the cell carrier, and have iCloud backups up to 6 weeks back, it doesn’t seem like they should really need more information, except to figure out the provider of the ‘bombs.’ Someone would be red-faced when they do crack the phone, but given the delays, there will likely be a new administration in place anyway.

You know, you really don’t even need to read any history to recognize that when an occupying force leaves a war zone, the people who actually live there are going to decide what happens next. Doesn’t matter who is occupying, doesn’t matter how long they stay. Given the propensity for grudges lasting hundreds and thousands of years, it’s a little naive to think that we can swoop in and fix any country that isn’t actively already trying to fix itself.

uh, just checking: this is sarcasm, right?