Arizona announces its official state planet, but it isn't actually a planet

The real baller move would be to make Pluto the State Sandwich.


Pluto wasn’t even the firat planet to be discovered by an American,

Well they already have “minor planets,” for asteroids and such. Perhaps they should rename the big 8 “major planets,” to make thing a little clearer.


Let Hawai’i declare Eris their state planet, and all will be right with the world.

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yeah, same as i suggested above. use a specialized name or adjective for the scientific definition of a planet, and keep the general term “planet” for colloquial use.

“standard planet” or “major planet” could mean the scientific definition, which would be the eight known bodies around our sun. everyone is happy, and no big deal for the scientists either.

People imagined all sorts of things about the planet Pluto.

Their mistake. Had they stuck to the “gravitationally dominent object” definition (which can be enormously boring),

we wouldn’t be in this mess.

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Except they did stick to it. That’s exactly what clearing its neighborhood means.


Huh. TIL:


I think you’ve got this wrong.
If it’s made of cheese, it’s a Moon.
If it isn’t made of cheese, it’s a planet.
Easy as cake.


There’s probably a point in the scientific literature, when the mass estimate dipped below the future threshold of what it would mean to be a planet. Possibly 1955. Possibly 1968.

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