Ask yourself these 4 questions to figure out if you should trust someone

Those seem like oddly specific questions, particularly about “what I’m trying to create here”

Hard to apply in regularly life.

Probably the only one of the four that is helpful AFAICT is

Everything is else shake down details. The sensitive compassionate stuff ain’t gonna come from non-neurotypical humans (I am around quite a few of those) and the understanding what the artist/author/creator is trying to create may be non-obvious or opaque, so be prepared to appreciate whatever the feedback is.

Also, get a lot of opinions and average out them out to get a “better” “answer.”

Body language. Tone. Harder to spot if cross-cultural because not all cultures have the same gestures and tones. Trust and lying can be hard to spot and the tells are relative.

Current research indicates that human techniques for detecting deception are “no more accurate than chance, or flipping a coin.”

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Does this person genuinely want me to succeed?

So, to determine if you can trust someone, it helps to know that you can already trust them.
What useful advice!


Do they use lots of obviously false superlatives like “greatest” or “best”?

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I would say the last point is optional if the first three are a clear positive.

How to know to trust someone:

Do I trust this person’s taste and judgment?

How helpful :laughing:

If I trust them I can trust them.

What a useless piece of fluff.

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If you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it made.


I would like to see many more people aware of Kagneman’s work, though Thinking Fast and Slow (despite a few parts that haven’t held up well) is maybe an easier starting point.

That said, I hope people also go on to learn that yes, good judgment is still a thing humans can possess, and beyond that, you can train it. See Philip Tetlock’s “Superforecasting,” the Good Judgment project, and its online courseware.

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What a useless piece of fluff.

Yeah, well, Elizabeth Gilbert, so…

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