At long last, open video formats are triumphing

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It’ll be interesting to see if this really does finally result in traction for these open formats for digital video deliverables. I wonder from a quality and compression efficiency standpoint, is this new format better/worse than HEVC/H.265?

What would be really swell is also for open standards to emerge for intermediary formats, which today are dominated by Apple’s proprietary ProRes codec family, and Avid’s proprietary DNxHD codec family. Many organizations archive their content in these intermediary codecs (in addition to or as an alternative to the camera-native codecs), and relying on proprietary codecs for archival materials that we want to have last well into the future (hundreds or thousands of years, even) is not a wonderful scenario, at all.

Beyond the whole patent encumbered multi-format bs-fest that come with video, I think that outright, there’s not a good web video format. I think we have gotten to the point where while there are the technical video encodings, it’s still rather burdensome to host the media. I’ve seen detailed methods for smoothly choosing resolution and breaking down files as they’re hosted on say NGINX, but I think it’s weird that all those details need to and should be handled server side as opposed to just having a more intelligent data format that has broken down the streamable components that a web client can understand. Sometimes designers need to scale and format images into their pixel perfect use case, but for video it’s pretty much - go pay some hosted service to not only handle the bandwidth, but all the reformatting and needed details to actually host the media…

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