Audio catches Supreme Court Justice Alito declaring religious crusade to reshape America

What really bothers me about that argument is that it seems to assume implicit consent on our part for the end of the US that we have all been a part of one way or another generationally for the last couple hundred years as if we are just supposed to be on board with that kind of fucking literal enemy of our State trying to overthrow our country and upend our honestly pretty fucking decent lives because of their delusional power fantasies.



And the interminable battles over which Christianity? The virtually infinite number of sects and subdivisions with miniscule differences in doctrine would be a clusterfuck. And, of course, the folks who re almost on the right page would get the worst treatment. (I know you know this) It is never about faith, it’s about power, and who has it and who it is inflicted upon.


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Well the “probably” means it’s just my guess.

If I could guess him out of office, I’d probably guess a lot more into jail, and I should on no account be allowed to do so.

Failure to recuse himself in a case or cases where he has a direct conflict of interest is, though. Alito has heard cases where he’s received benefits from one of the parties, just not as frequently as Thomas. All of the FedSoc judges have.


There should be no room for doubt in some one in his role.

That is why it is a bombshell.


Um… he’s ACTIVELY pursuing that course! Just look at his comments and look at his recent rulings. It’s ALL aimed at bringing about a white nationalists “Christian” theocracy!

He’s an ACTIVE threat to democracy. Full stop! Given the evidence we can see and hear, why would you doubt that?

The Office Yes GIF


I think, in my mind art least, the impeachable offense for Thomas is not reporting all the benefits he’s received from donors over the years. The trips, the favorable real estate deal with his mother, etc. I’m sure he’s violated some tax laws there somewhere.

Failure to recuse is probably not a “high crime or misdemeanor”. But I sure think, at this point, a deep dive into the finances of all the Justices is warranted. Sotomayor had a couple of issues as well, having to do with book deals, but hers didn’t involve nearly as much money. At this point, the only one I’m 100% confident is above reproach is Kagan, because she has repeatedly turned down even lunches paid for by friends, because she doesn’t even want the slightest appearance of impropriety. I haven’t heard of any issues with KBJ, but she’s too new to know for sure yet.


After seeing so complete many shit “justices” rushed through for what amounts to mostly profit driven motives from oligarchs and religious cultists at the expense of all of our rights, privileges, and ultimately lives…

idk how to rebuild trust anyway with out a real reckoning…

and these assholes aren’t even expected to have the ethical standards of the average IT manager.


But that’s where this mess ends up. If that’s the only tool Congress has for checking and balancing the court, then that’s what they have to use in order to keep the court from being bought-and-paid-for.

And Roberts is also forcing that by refusing a Congressional subpoena. If they can’t even formally ask the Chief Justice about corruption in the court, then it really leaves them only one way of interacting with the sitting justices - like a shark that can only interact with objects by biting them.


Because my opinion is not the same thing as evidence. I don’t doubt it, but one needs more to go on than my say-so.

Here’s a thing: people have thought for years that all the shirt-rending, pearl clutching and general freaking-out on Twitter was equivalent to being “involved in politics”. If that was the case, we wouldn’t be at this miserable political juncture.

I am a pretty frank center-left person, maybe further left than most, and am aware that this forum leans pretty left. But freaking out about Alito’s pretty mild admission of what we already knew about him doesn’t do much more than rake the shit into a differently-shaped pile.

It is a mild admission, and you learn nothing new about the man. Listen to the full take audio, by all means. The dystopian language is mainly coming from his interlocutor.

In my day job (in experience design and research, for just a few more days) we’re well aware that people being interviewed want to please their interviewer. This sounds about like that. Alito is simply NOT reading “The Handmaid’s Tale” into the record. He’s mainly saying things like “I think so”, “I think you’re right” and “one side will have to win”.

On the latter: Duh. Film at Eleven.

The evidence is right there. His comments here and his actions, and who he has aligned with (such as the people he’s accepting expensive trips from).

The entire movement is WELL documented by this point and they are out and out saying what they want to do (project 2025). Alito and Thomas ARE on board with this movement, they’ve shown us that by their actions.

This isn’t about YOUR opinion, it’s about the facts at hand. Incluidng this audio that you are downplaying.

This isn’t mild. A supreme court justice saying that we need to “bring the country back to godliness” should set off massive alarm bells for anyone who doesn’t want to live in a theocratic dictatorship. It’s not about partisan, except for the partisans (like Alito and his wife) who are deterimed to make this a Christian theocracy.

Except for the fact that not too long ago, he made very different comments, more in line with what Roberts said to the same journalist… Also, despite his protests, what is wife advocates for here, is yet more evidence of his views.

Yet, that’s the goal. And just ask the women in texas how that’s looking? Pretty fucking grim. Women are DEAD because of Dobbs… Children are being forced to give birth. That’s OUR FUTURE…

As a Supreme court justice, HE SHOULD NOT HAVE SIDES. I’m not sure what’s unclear about that fact. He’s very much taking sides here and that’s concerning given how far to the right the GOP has gone. They are openly displaying far right theocratic symbols in the halls of congress. Alito should NOT be participating in that.


I wonder if the distinction would be clearer if the people he was agreeing with were of another ethnic or religious persuasion?

I’m not sure I’m so cynical from the sustained attacks on our constitutional democracy that I don’t even care anymore if they say it out loud is a flex. Like I get that a lot of people are in that headspace but I can’t keep fucking pretending either kwim?

this is a bombshell among many bombshells and damned if I’m going to be scared out of talking about it by some one who calls it pearl clutching either!


Thank fuck for that, because you don’t seem to see the evidence in front of you, either.


Tell me you are not someone who’s rights are not actively under threat right now, without telling me.


The people who are the wrong kind of Christians would face the most intense and obsessive hatred because they are disloyal insiders who pose an internal threat, but that doesn’t mean that non-Christians would be treated more mildly.


Saying you believe in a theocracy and not the separation of church and state is as bad as it sounds. And it should be disqualifying for the Supreme Court.

Additionally- saying you’re a centrist but more left than most is contradictory.


Given how the far right was freaking out about the supposed imposition of Sharia law not too long ago… could be? But if it’s their holy book, then that’s okay by them… After all, they believe one is the gospel truth and one is a pack of lies… :sob:

Either way, the Maga movement has consolidated the religious right and the white power movement into one force and they are doing all they can to tear this country down. And Alito and Thomas are actively trying to help. If that’s not obvious to anyone who cares about democracy, then… I really don’t know what to say, other than to keep saying it until it sinks in.

To be fair, they’ll go after the POC and queers who are Christian… because they’re “christianing” wrong in their mind. Supply-side jesus vs. actual Jesus…


I’m gonna call bullshit on that, they’re not even going to get to the bad Christians until they’ve dealt with all the non-white people and the queers.



I’ve said it before:

I quit calling myself “a centrist” back in 2015, when I realized;