Australian civil servants ordered to fink on colleagues who criticize gov't online

Civil servants are prohibited from editing wikipedia to say something bad, but astroturfing? Totally okay, I guess.


The lies we tell are good lies.

“Whistleblowing is the new civil disobedience”

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What I want to know is the expected date of the next level of idiocy; the date at which:

Australian civil servants are ordered to fink on colleagues who fail to fink on colleagues who criticize the government online.

The sweeping new rules will even cover ­public servants posting political comments anonymously, including mummy bloggers on parenting websites, if a colleague knew their online identity.

What an oddly specific thing for the writer to point out.


What is it about countries with the Queen on their money these days?


What the hell is that? Are you shitting me? Please tell me those slides are fake. Was America really led by an intellect so weak that appeals to Peter’s gospel and the book of Psalms had an influence in deciding whether to go to war? The power to declare war needs to be taken out of the hands of the presidency - a monumental single point of failure.

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Powerpoint is a terrible thing.

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Is this Tautology Club now?

This is a reply.

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@peregrinus_bis @euansmith
I know, right? Meanwhile some people are still happy to tell you they voted for him.


As Pterry says,

We put all our politicians in prison as soon as they’re elected. It saves time.

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Oh, I don’t know, this has a certain… something.

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IMHO they serve as more of a reassurance that The Bible says it’s okay to do this sort of thing.

Reagan’s wife listened to a psychic who helped her influence her husband’s policies. You think things have magically gotten better?

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I won’t stand idly by while you trash the good name of Tuvalu!


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They’re Australian, they’ve spent years building up an immunity to Iocaine powder.


Hate to break this to you but… ?

Take about the Common Wealth shit feast. Canada’s Harper is wrecking the ship as he sails merrily along. I did not vote for him.

‘Something’ looks like the effects of the kind of ketamine that’s hard to get these days. Has anyone explored the possibility that that’s just what everything looks like for Dubya all the time? it might explain a lot.


I wonder if that was painted from memory. I’m just imaging Dub-yah in the bath with his paint and easel or snapping away with a camera. Also, what would this image mean to him? What is the subtext?

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I’m pretty sure he sees the world like the Pyro from Team Fortress 2. A lot of rainbows and bubbles.

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