BBS Thread/Topic trigger warnings

And the reason someone with moderation ability couldn’t flip their bit as a one off is?

I’m not trying to handle exceptions. I’m trying to handle the majority case.

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I just don’t know if it is a majority thing rather than something that particularly applies to topics like gamergate. Give people a chance to show that they can discuss some wonderful things for a while, then they can move on to more political topics if they want to.

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We have a huge problem, which occurs at least a couple of times a quarter, with trolls showing up for a particular thread. I don’t see how a 48 hour quiet time after account creation really harms anyone.

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I think the mods here do a great job, and we can do our part by flagging and not responding to trollish posts.


One issue is that some accounts have been sleeping for a while before they actually post anything. I’d have thought this problem happens on particular topics, so requiring a certain amount of active engagement on less controversial topics shows that the person actually wants to be part of the community rather than just being a bore on their pet subject.

It isn’t going to matter. Discourse isn’t going to support any of this.

Our only option is flagging. Everything else is off the table.


That’s horseshit, plenty of things are on the table, we just haven’t had a lot of demand for them and/or it’s unclear if the cure would be worse than the disease.


I’m entertained by their missing, generally.

That wasn’t the impression I got in previous discussions. I apologize for offending you.

Mods have been pretty clear here that our only recourse at this point is flagging and didn’t suggest that this would ever change.

What’s on the table then?

I think what they were specifically rejecting was your proposal that they personally review every new post by every new user, e.g. the “here’s lots of extra daily work for the moderators, enjoy”.

I would reject that too.

Even formulated as much more shared work…

What if TL1 and TL2 users were forced to review new posts by new users, and rate them for civility, before they were allowed to post? What if new users had to rate other posts by new users, before they were allowed to post?

it becomes a bit sketchy in my book.


I specifically suggested that they just not be able to post for 48 or 72 hours first on account creation and that was rejected. After that, I suggested a moderated bit.

That’d prevent new users who were primary actors in the blog post (e.g. the actual people who created the thing being posted about) from posting… this does happen from time to time, so that’s a tremendous loss.

That’s what I meant by cure worse than disease. But I’m fairly sure we covered that in the original topic as well…

(I’d rather see a handful of guilty people go free than jail one innocent person, at least in theory; you want to skew on the side of “being absolutely sure” aka innocent until proven guilty)


I expect that someone could one off flip the bit on those people easily enough. There are a lot less of them than the hordes of gamegaters that have descended from reddit from time to time.

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Well then as discussed at length previously the volume of new users posting in a topic should itself be a “trigger” of some kind.


Ok. I’m sensing you just want me to shut up about it. I’ll drop it. You aren’t going to code it so that seems to be the end of it. You have pretty specific ideas on what you want discourse to support, I gather.

No, that’s incorrect, I’m just frustrated we’re having the exact same conversation in a different topic.

I humbly suggest that this discussion should have continued on the original topic rather than being mindlessly regurgitated again in this topic.

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I was simply responding to someone restarting the conversation after a while. I didn’t go digging into the backlog from months ago to find the “right” topic for it. I don’t have that in my bookmarks and I’m disinclined to go look for it rather than simply responding to the poster that restarted the conversation. I don’t feel like endlessly scrolling through old topics to find it though I guess I could try to search under the right words and hope it pops up.

I’m frustrated because people will, every couple of months, suggest the same things or at least complain about the same problems and it doesn’t change so what’s the point? I should have known better than to post about it again. Let them find out on their own that their ideas have been hashed out.

Please read through this discussion in some detail, starting from the beginning. Please.

Maybe it’s my bad, perhaps you weren’t around for that.


Don’t care anymore. I’m just giving up on change. Sorry. :slightly_smiling:

Edit: I was around for it though I didn’t participate in it at the time for reasons that I don’t recall. I’ve been around for years here now.

Thanks, Obama!