Bill Gates: Microsoft would backdoor its products in a heartbeat

Oooo!! Let me try your tactics! They’re so…Trump-like with regard to the juvenile insults and the absence of factual statements:

Your post? What unadulterated bullshit. That's exactly what Gates said. The gov't is clearly advocating for a generic back door solution, and not a one-time, "particular" case. Whoever wrote this comment is stupid, ill-intentioned, and likely wears white after Labor Day.

Read the articles, watched the videos but couldn’t find the part where he said what you said he said.

The amount of hyperbole and bullshit flying around in this case is staggering.


Man, I love this site but this is just an outright lie and if we’re giving Fox News shit for lying about stuff like climate change or universal health care, we should give the guys we like the same amount of shit. Even if you’re lying about stuff I actually care about. In fact, lying like this will actually hurt the fight for strong encryption. Add to that it is not needed since neither the FBI, nor Apple, nor Bill Gates have actually asked to break encryption.

The FBI asked for a way to brute force the particular phone without it wiping the data. Something that, with a proper court order, would be quite similar to a wire tap or a search warrant. This is a case for the courts to settle.

Apple said it didn’t want to do this because it would set a precedent. They’re not wrong, but again this would be up to the courts to settle.

Bill Gates said that you don’t want to break security but also want to be able to help in the fight against terrorism so this discussion should be held in court.

The way I see it everyone kind of agrees, but is fighting all the same because they disagree slightly on the specifics.

Next time I expect BoingBoing to do their due dilligence and provide their readers with honest reporting without the clickbait bullshit.


Why so touchy, are you related to OSX? I was originally just comparing a 16 year old OS to another 16 year old OS. And I wasn’t just relying on hearsay, but well documented facts (and then I even found more documented facts about modern compatibility issues after about 2 seconds of searching).

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lol. when it comes to Doctorow writing about Microsoft there’s only ever one outcome. FUD.


Gates is either backing off, or was misrepresented. In any case, he’s now trying to not take sides on this case. His position: “Shit’s complicated.”

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Can anyone even use IE anymore without being hit with pop-ups and malware as a matter of course?

if they’re an inexperienced user running an unpatched XP then probably not, otherwise, pretty much yes, and not anyone but most everyone. I administer many networks, plenty still running XP SP3 machines (which hasn’t received a security update in several years now), haven’t had anyone with a virus in years. I’ve been almost exclusively running Windows for my entire career, I actually got more viruses in the pre-Windows days (anyone remember Form?),


It’s called Windows 10 isn’t it?

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One more reason to continue using Apple products and avoid Microsoft whenever possible!

It would be a good idea to read this thread from the start, would disabuse you of that notion. OSX is a perfectly acceptable operating system of course, as long as your happy to exist within the Apple walled ecosystem, but it’s no more secure or free from privacy concerns than any other commercial operating system.


… because it already is a back door and adding another recipient is dead cheap and you won’t even loose too many customers when you are caught because you have numbed them with years of security neglect to the point where they don’t care any more?

But Xenix was from Microsoft.

Wasn’t this foretold the time back in1975 or so when Swiftwater Bill issued his infamous “An Open Letter to Computer Hobbyists” where he complained about people copying his BASIC?

If he wants to be taken seriously though he needs to put his personal feelings about Microsoft aside and talk about facts. In this case he’s putting words in someone’s mouth without mentioning what Bill Gates actually said. That’s deceiving the reader, creating a story that just isn’t there.

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Yes. It was one of the two OS’s for the Apple Lisa.

Nope. Piracy and privacy are two separate issues.

Too true. Even more so when it came to AU plugs, see also Chris Randall’s comments over at Analog Indusries

Don’t hold your breath

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I thought everyone sensible assumed that windows was thoroughly backdoored by the US government, in addition to any other accidental vulnerabilities. It always amazed me that any foreign government would even consider using Windows on sensitive machines or networks.


Not the first time Bill’s been wrong about something. Not even the thousandth time.