Blooms are strobe-animated sculptures

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I think that golden section business is mostly nonsense. Plenty of things have almost, but not quite, that proportion. Plenty of other things have other proportions. If you allow a wide enough margin of error, everything fits the pattern! And if it doesn’t, just pick a new flower - problem solved!


Ah! Strobe animation. I get it now.
That was hypnotic.

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Looks like some kind of sea creature that a person isn’t suppose to touch with their bare hands.

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This wins the Interwebs today, no question.

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It is for most things, people and buildings and so on, but plants are genuinely an exception. When you find a cone, disk, or other such arrangement of parts and count the spirals going each way, the numbers you get will be successive Fibonacci numbers something like 90% of the time. Seriously – the next few times you find a pine cone or floral head, take a pen or photo and try counting them. I have and so far haven’t found any exceptions, though I know they do exist, save where parts are decussate.

And there are good mathematical reasons, which are hard to explain in text, but have to do with what happens to cylindrical lattices as you change relative sizes. Douady has some detailed papers on the subject, but in essence at certain sizes new spirals appear, and under various conditions the number tends to be the sum of the two previous ones. This makes a generating angle near 137.5º, though by no means a necessary outcome, a very easy one to converge on.


Too cool video and invention! Many years ago at an open house at my old place of work we had a demo set up at one of our vibration tables. We shook a large scale model glider on it in the dark while playing a strobe light over it at various speeds to the amusement (and oohhhs and aahhs) of the kiddies; the glider’s flexible wings appeared to flap at very slow rates, like an albatross.

I can’t even wrap my brain around how they would create such a sculpture – with them fancy computers and 3D printers most likely, but even then, quite brilliant.

They just kept getting better!

I noticed the very first one was missing the tip off one of the protrusions so it would make a little blip in the smooth animation now and then.

I don’t know about that mutant cauliflower. I’d be afraid it would eat me.

In b4 phi bashing…


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