I was expecting a full-blown discussion going on here already but it looks like others have been busy as well. I only finished the chapter today because I’ve been out-of-town (still am), busy and tired.
It seems it has fallen on me to manage this thing. I can only blame myself, though; I always take the lead when there is a group with no actual leader (well, @anon61221983 sort of if as she started this, but she’s busier than I am and at least didn’t mind me creating the Loomio group) and things need to be organized. And I really don’t mind, quite the contrary - I love it, it makes me feel important and feeds the control-freak in me because I get to do things my way (which is naturally always the best way). But anyone can and should tell me when things could be done better.
As requested by @OtherMichael, from now on in new discussion threads I will post a list of members so they get pinged. I can only tag 10 people in a post (is this a new thing? I was able to do more in the pre-discussion thread? Who would know about forum-related stuff so I can ask?), but there are currently 18 of us, 17 excluding me, so I need to make a second post and break the members list into two parts. Which greatly pains the perfectionist in me.
Also, sorry about the incomplete list above. I was visiting my brother who I rarely see (and even more rarely lately, as he spent the last half a year in another country) and just tried to quickly makes this discussion thread as I had promised to do. Then I just kind of half-assed the member pinging by copying some incomplete list from an earlier thread. Here is the complete member list (as far I am aware), with those those still not pinger tagged, just so no one feels forgotten:
- Donald_Petersen
- jerwin
- daneel
- miasm
- chgoliz
- funruly
- Elusis
- Raita
- noahdjango
- OtherMichael
- SmashMartian
- @anon61221983
- @anon29631895
- @aeon
- @ActionAbe
- @jlw
- @Ignatius
- @penguinchris
It was also requested that someone would do a short summary of the chapter being discussed because some have already read the book and don’t remember chapter specifics, so they have a harder time getting involved in the discussion (without spoiling something). Here’s the summary of this chapter, before I go into my own thoughts about it:
Chapter 2, story so far;
Kit explains about what HeroSpace; It’s an MMO that has even surpassed WoW in popularity. Kit has been playing it for 4 and a half years, and he earns money from it by trading some loot-points for real life money. He has managed to gather 11 to 12 thousand pounds; Hol used to help him manage it but now that he’s 18 Hol can hand over the control of the money to Kit himself. He feels like the game is where he really lives and belongs.
While washing dishes, Kit asks Hol about the tape, which is an S-VHS-C, a tape for a hand-held camera.Hol sayhs there’s “embarrasing shit” on the tape. Kit knows the group used to make short films for their own amusement; Guy, who was objectively very good-looking, was more of an actor than a director. Kit thinks about how he feels about his dad; he loves him, but doesn’t really.
Guy is bitter and acts like a dick to Kit, and says, among other things, that he “wasted my fucking life on you”, and feels like Kit and others are just waiting for him to die.
Kit narrates his usual walking route (457 steps, a prime number, though he had to adjust it from the actual 456 steps) and about the quarry and the explosions that shake the house.
Kit is making breakfast for Guy when Pris comes in. She tells she’s meeting her other half, Rick (who she says is mostly not like Haze), in Ormers for breakfast. Kit says “That’s nice”, and then narrates about such pointless responses and how Hol has got him to start using them, at the very least an “Uh-huh”. Pris tells Kit they support him, asks how he’s doing and that he can always talk to her. She also really wants to find the tape.
The group hangs around chatting. Kit narrates about Haze and Pris, and Allison and Rob and how they work for Grayzr, which Kit switched from Google to (so it’s similar to Google, though we’ve not told more). Hol tells she could’ve worked for The New Yorker as a critic but didn’t want to move to the States.
Kit walks to a point in a B-road that is a bridge over a bigger motorway, to watch cars pass under him, which he likes to do, especially when there’s a traffic jam. He talks about how sometimes sheep cross the B-road and how he fantasizes about a farmer girl coming along and shagging her in a farm (rolling around in hay) or a hot tub.
Later, Kit is having tea when Haze comes to talk to him. He asks about Pris and Rik and when she will be back. Kit asks if the tape is a sex tape, and Haze says no but that it’s embarrassing. Then Haze tried to borrow money (100 pounds) but Kit lies and says he doesn’t have any.
Hol and Kit go shopping and Kit explains how he has a system for getting the best deals from different stores and how he has calculated it all so it’s efficient. They are at a supermarket where Kit used to work for “experience” so he would get his Unemployment money, but he was sacked for constantly suggesting and enacting “innovations” within the stores, and also for other things (like hanging around the self-checkout area during busy times because he likes their sounds). It’s explained that Guy enacted a Power of Attorney action because he expected that Kit wouldn’t be able to take care of himself as an adult, but Hol and Mrs. Willougby (Kit’s therapist?) testified against the action, but it was adjourned, so it’s still unsure.
Kit narrates how Guy has given numerous explanations for who his mother is, and also that it could be Hol, Pris or Alison. Kit is short for Kitchener because a kitchen is where Guy first saw him.
Hol tells Kit that he should not lend money to Haze or tell him there are opiates in the house. Hol tells him a life lesson; that just because you would trust someone with your life doesn’t mean you should trust them with your money.
That was a bit too long, wasn’t it? @Ignatius,@daneel, others who have read more of the book, should it be shorter? What information do you need, so I know what to cut?
Now I need a breather before going into my actual thoughts about the chapter, that took longer than expected.