Buddhist funeral service for robot dogs

As a budding Buddhist, the concept of funerals on its face makes no sense to me. If there is no beginning and no end, then what purpose does a funeral serve? Don’t we just let the energy and matter disperse as it will and go about our day?

Kind of seems like the antithesis of “not being attached” eh?

But you know, ritual is important for a lot of people. People got butthurt when my nice old white grandma was firm about demanding that people not buy flowers for her funeral, and donate the money to charity instead. Her thought was “they’re not going to do me any damn good, might as well use the money helping people who need it!”.

Not a Buddhist, but it seems to me that even if one believes there is something else (i.e. reincarnation, heaven, etc), still your time here is up and people like to say “good bye”.


Really? I am surprised. I have been to more than one funeral that wanted donations sent to things like cancer research of heart disease foundations, etc.

Personally, I want to plan out a time capsule with me. Preserving my life, heritage, and times. I think at SOME POINT I will be dug up, and if so, lets give them something interesting with it! Part of me wants to plant a harmless falsehood… like saying fanny packs were super cool during my 30s or something.

Part of me thinks I could start this up as a business… maybe a good retirement idea to keep me busy.

I think it may have been more of a “we actually didn’t have flowers beyond a single very conservative arrangement, which apparently people thought that was too spare…” (i.e. I think people thought that we should have had flowers anyway, as well as donating to charity.) My grandma’s point was that flowers were a waste. If we were going to spend $ on her at that point, we might as well be doing some good with the $. (and the the fact is that the arrangement that was there wasn’t for her, it was for the people attending the funeral who really did expect to see something floral.)

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