California couple ordered to pay $600,000 for uprooting a 180-year-old tree

This is true. I guess my point was more that if you liked this story, you’d also like the story of the Prometheus tree. Radiolab did an episode about it and so did the Smithsonian magazine. If you’re reading the comments on a story about cutting down an oak tree, I’m pretty sure it’s up your alley.

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I don’t know if “like” is the right verb to use here, but I agree with your point.



Dunno if it is possible, but if you can put up a trellis of cotton or jute string, either on a U-shaped frame between you and the neighbors, or just a few eyescrews into your roof overhang, with the strings pegged to the ground, you can cover the works with morning glory or hyacinth bean.

Both of these annuals grow really fast [with typical vigor for an annual plant]. If you are in a place that has cold weather or winter, just cut the strings and compost the works after first frost.

Clumping bamboo can work as long as you’re 110% certain it is a clumper and not a runner. Clumpers grow very slowly in diameter but pretty well vertically.

Good luck.

ETA: verbs, grammar, typos, stuff like that, dang I must be tired


I like the bit where the owner of the property, having received the Trust’s recommendations for remedial works, responds with “You have to be kidding with this?”

{Narrator: They were not}

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